In recent years cattle breeders have increasingly used crossbreeding, in part that their steers should acquire certain characteristics and partly because crossbreeding is said to provide hybrid vigor.
In recent years cattle breeders have increasingly used crossbreeding, in part that their steers should acquire certain characteristics and partly because crossbreeding is said to provide hybrid vigor.
Ain part that their steers should acquire certain characteristics
Bin part for the acquisition of certain characteristics in their steers
Cpartly because of their steers acquiring certain characteristics
Dpartly because certain characteristics should be acquired by their steers
Epartly to acquire certain characteristics in their steers
to acquire certain characteristics in their steers 在它们身上,饲养者获得……
You use in when saying that someone or something has a particular quality. I find strength in her own voice .
D; 举个例子;我挣钱一半是为了娶媳妇,一半是为了证明自己。VS .我挣钱一半是因为媳妇应该被娶,一半是为了证明自己。
更重要的是D中by steers完全说不通。所以OG上很幽默的说the steers, however, are not agents in the acquisition.