虽然说是random,但主要还是要看你希望给学校展现你什么样的特质,而且也要考虑你这些特质是否会增强学校对你的兴趣,因为学校认为最重要的是你这个人是不是fit in Fuqua。personal和professional都应该要涉及,能够让你和其他申请人区别开来的几点要在一开始就凸现出来。没有时间和空间的顺序。 上周末刚刚在北京面完,Fuqua的alumni都很nice,会主动帮你解决问题,亲和力很强,所以我一直觉得Fuqua在GM方面有优势和Fuqua人的特质是有很大关系的。Good luck!
Aha, this is an easy one One good way to do this is to go around and ask five good friends/family members about a list of fun and interesting and surprising stuff about you, and see what they come up with! For sure someone will have some great ideas.
Go get it !:)
Jon Frank
-- by 会员 JonFrank (2012/12/6 21:18:41)
My parents passed away, and I dont have any friends...:-(
Aha, this is an easy one One good way to do this is to go around and ask five good friends/family members about a list of fun and interesting and surprising stuff about you, and see what they come up with! For sure someone will have some great ideas.