people's behavior is largely determined by forces not of their own making
The speaker claims thatthe external forces determine people's behavior more than the forces from theirown. As for me, it's not the external forces but the individuals'responsibility that plays a more important role in their behavior.
The reason why thespeaker's assertion seems plausible is that absolute freedom does not exist at all;any choice or behavior is more or less influenced by immediate environment. Forinstance, one's inherent condition, including physical condition, familycondition, nationality, and so on, could not be determined by an individual;behavior related to those aspects is largely determined by external elements.But people have the liberty of making the choice to behavior in a particularmanner and they are solely responsible for their behavior. So, more behavior isdetermined by the individuals' responsibility rather than the external forces.
Individuals'responsibility is very significant to determine the behavior of people. Takefor example the behavior of students. External forces like the requirement ofdoing well in one's study for getting a good job play an important role indetermining a student's behavior with respect to his study. However, it isultimately the student's individual responsibility that will play the decisiverole in the exact nature of his behavior. A particular student can choose toignore the external forces and decide not to devote time to his study. On theother hand, there may be a student who chooses to be influenced by the externalforces and puts in his level best in studying. Thus, it can be seen that thebehavior of students with respect to their study is not influenced as much byexternal force as compared to their own individual responsibilities.
What's more, sometimesthe individual's responsibility is above the external forces like thosepertaining to society, school, law ect. People a stay within a set of laid downnorms as per the laws that have been enforced. People of a particular countrymay be responsible for the cleanliness of their country by not throwing garbageon the streets as the laws of their country prohibit them from behaving in suchmanner. When the same people go to another country where there are no suchlaws, it is their sense of individual responsibility that will come into playand they may choose to behave in a proper manner depending on how responsiblethey are towards keeping their environment clean.
In the other hand, thereare people who choose to break the laws that have been enforced. What about theeffect of external forces on these people? They decide not to let the externalforces to determine their behavior. Moreover, they have taken the decision toignore the responsibilities that they should take. So without the individualresponsibility, the external forces cannot control over some people's behavior. Asociety which chooses not to be blamed the individuals for their actions cannever thrive. There will be mass disobedience of rules and the framework of lawand order of the society will break down. Therefore, it is essential thatindividuals be held responsible for their behavior as they are the ones who havechosen to behave in that particular manner. In sum,It can be said that more than external forces, it is the individuals’ responsibility that determines his behavior. |