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一、关于代词指代 你提到的代词的指代我之前确实没有注意,正好我最近在复习代词指代,正对于这个问题发愁,但是我认为此处的they和their可以如此指代,因为B是主句+in that引从句了,所以they作为主句对位指代while从句中的values,然后their作为从句可以指代前主句中的homeowners,因为我整理的语法要点中从之前的题目中总结的:“指示代词与物主代词指代不一致的情况很常见,但相同的指示代词在一句话中必须指代同一个名词,如两个they,一个they和一个them等”,例题如下: Og12-82 According to a recent poll, owning and livingin a freestanding house on its own land is stilla goal of a majority of young adults, like that of earlier generations. (A) like that of earlier generations (B) as that for earlier generations (C) just as earlier generations did (D) as have earlier generations (E) as it wasof earlier generations - E正确 正确项E中it指代owning分句而its指代house,当然这句间隔比较远,结构明显可以看出就是指代不一样,但是比较经典的og12-87
In an effort to reduce their inventories,Italian vintners have cut prices; their wineshave been priced to sell, and they are. (A) have been priced to sell, and they are (B) are priced to sell, and they have (C) are priced to sell, and they do (D) are being priced to sell, and have (E) had been priced to sell, and they have - C正确 正确项C中– their指vintners,they指wines
所以我认为此题they和their应该是可以分别指代的,不知道我这样理解对不对,因为我对于另一道og题也是有点想不通的 Verbal 2nd - 22. Japanese researchers are producing a series of robots that canidentify human facial expressions, to which they will then respond; theirgoal is primarily creating a robot that will empathize with us. (A) expressions, to which theywill then respond; their goal is primarilycreating (B) expressions, then responding to them; primarilyto create (C) expressions and then respond to them; theresearchers’ primary goal is to create (D) expressions as well as giving a response to them;their primary goal is creation of (E) expressions and responding to them; primarily, theresearchers’ goal is creatiing - C正确og解释说A项 – they指代robots,their就不能再指代其他,但是表意their指代researchers
我认为they在前一句话定从中指代robots是可以的,分号后另一句是与前一句平行结构的,那么主语their应该是可以对位指代第一句平行结构中的主语的。但是我后来也就没有再纠结,因为此题从结构方面来看,定从后又是定从,且respond to expressions也不对,还有to do是表目的而不是is doing,从表意和句式来说C是更好的,但是我认为既然有og的题目是这种指示代词和物主代词指代不一样的句子,那么还是可以这么使用的,但是有点不明白何时可以如此指代。
二,关于in that LZ说的我没太明白,是说in that不能修饰n,不能用于修饰因果结构?但是in that是表因为的,而且是3个介词后可以加从句的结构啊(except that,but that和in that),我查了og的题,有几题是in that题,但是正确项都不是in that,而且og说in that太书面化 太过生硬,但是我发现GWD和大全有正确的,如下大全681,所以我认为此题还是in that用的少比较偏,og不倾向,且有更优项A,但并不是语法错误! 681 Teratomas are unusual forms ofcancer because they are composed of tissues such as tooth and bone notnormally found in the organ in which the tumor appears. (A) because theyare composed of tissues such as tooth and bone (B) because theyare composed of tissues like tooth and bone that are (C) because theyare composed of tissues, like tooth and bone, tissues (D) in that theircomposition, tissues such as tooth and bone, is(E) (E) in that theyare composed of tissues such as tooth and bone, tissues - E正确
不知道以上2点我的意见对不对,请大家讨论! |