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[心经] 【6.29更新音频】T111分得主回报CD--原创黄金口语80题答案与分析(斗胆献声)

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发表于 2012-6-13 20:22:40 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
最近比较清闲:undergraduate已经答辩,9月份才到米国开始master的学习。于是乎我萌生了一个想法,何不利用这段spare time,竭尽全力写点托福备考方面的经验,一方面回报在我申请过程中给与我极大帮助的CD,同时也练练自己的英语,好让自己对即将开始的美国生活打好基础。因此,我打算长期(至少在出国前的两个月中)更新这个帖子,尽量定时更新。至于帖子的内容,先声明下,是本人的一己之谈,多是个人的一些想法和建议,还请各位批判接受,多多指正。
Some background info of myself: male, 21, majoring in Management Information System. Took TOEFL twice. First time in Dec. 2010, scored 105 (R30 L25 S22 W28). Second time in Sep. 2011, scored 111 (R29 L30 S24 W28). No training courses taken.
     Preparation materials used: OG, Delta. Barron for listening practice. TPO for mock tests.

Welcome to my blog for study material of English, DIY Application, Java and more!


2012.6.16 应某童鞋站内信要求,本着“口语是说出来而不应是写出来”的精神出发,楼主斗胆献声,放出自己原创答案的相应音频录音版本。楼主深知自己口语的缺陷(这也就是为什么我只能得24分),所以请各位听众留下宝贵意见(如果觉得还说得过去的话我就继续更新音频,否则我就只更新文本咯~)~~恳请路过的兄弟姐妹多批评指正,共同进步!

2012.6.19 Question 3已在15楼更新,请移步至第二页~~

2012.6.25 Question 5已在27楼更新,请移步至第三页~~(在此一并谢谢支持我的童鞋们,同时也希望你们坚持常来看看我的更新哦~)2012.6.29   Question 3 音频已更新,音频放在主楼方便各位查看~~


Question 1
Describe a book that you believe is the most useful to you. Please explain the reason and include specific examples and details in your explanation.


Well, I have read a lot of books but I have to say the mostuseful one is called “How to be a good speaker in 10 days”. Believe it or not, I used to be a quite unskilled speaker. Especially when I just startedworking as a teacher, I was pretty shy and even upseton the stage. This book is very helpful to me because it tells me how to usebody languages and eye contact to be a good speaker. After reading this book, I havebeen more confidenton the stage in front of the whole class. So this was the book that did help me a lot.


    1.       口语答题结构记得要是总分总。第一句是“总”,后面是“分”,最后一句还是“总”。
    2.       记得口语最好的答题策略就是讲故事,而且是自己最熟悉,最符合自己生活中的故事,比如这个回答就比较符合切身实际。加上故事有逻辑性,也好记。
    3.       好的句子和词汇已经在文中用蓝色标出。
    4.       逻辑性词汇在文中用红色标出。

Let’s have a re-thinking ofwhat we’ve learnt in the former lesson.
Welearnt about how to talk about the most useful book to you. Actually, what Iwant to tell you right now is that this story can be easily transfer to similartopics and thus can save you a lot of preparation time. The other topics youcould use are…
·       Themost useful TV program/magazine/article: Simply change the word “book”.
·       Aperson who helped/affected/changed you most:
o  Inthis case, we will have to change and expand the answer a little bit. Becausewe are talking a person, we will have to provide more detailed information suchas name, what was his job, where did you meet and so on. So a sample answercould be like this:
o  Well, I think the personwho helped me most is my friend Jack. Just like me, he is also a teacher in theuniversity and we met each other on an international conference. He is sohelpful because he taught me how to be a good speaker in only 10 days! Believeit or not…
o  Youcan complete the answer using the sample answer we’ve learnt in the formerlesson. I leave this job to you because I believe you can finish it easily.Have a try!
Question 2
Which of the following statements do youagree with? Please give specific reasons for your opinion.
Some believe that TV programs have apositive influence on modern society. Others, however, think that the influenceof TV programs is negative.
Well,in myopinion/as far as I am concerned, I firmly believe/prefer to believe that TV programs have great positive influence onmodern society. Thereare a few reasons for my choice. First and foremost, TV programscan broadcast useful information to manypeople. The public can get the latest news inthe country and worldwide simply by watchingTV programs. What’smore, people love watching TV programs. It is a way to get relax. Forexample, aftera day’s hard work, I really enjoy sitting in the sofa with my family watchingTV program together. Some programs are really funny. Watching TVprograms can help people relief their pressure.
1.       这道口语答题结构记是总分。“总”就是明确陈述我比较倾向哪个选择;后面是“分”,分别陈述两个原因(一般两个原因就够了)。其实还可以有个“总”的,就是最后再陈述下that’swhy I prefer….
2.       一般原因类的题目好答,因为不用编故事,用之前总结的“万能理由”就好。这里的两个万能理由其实就是“getmore information”和“getrelax/relief pressure”。很多问选择或者原因的都是用万能理由,换汤不换药。
3.       原因类的回答开场白都是如本答案的第一句和第二句,一直到“formy choice”记住背下就好。
4.       好的句子和词汇已经在文中用蓝色标出。
5.       逻辑性词汇在文中用红色标出。
6.       万能语句用绿色标出。


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楼楼的口语其实真的很好啊 哎 我还在茫然不已中.....
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