Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One of the ways that parents can help children be ready for adult life is to ask them to do a part-time job. (用时35分钟)
Have you ever heard about a boy wasting too much money on uselesstoys? Have you ever seen a chiId knowing nothing about his interest? Have youever experienced a girl having troubles to communicate with others? If you havenever had such experiences, you would never know the importance of a part-timejob to a child's view to adult life. Hence in my eye, it is important forparents to help children be ready for adult life by asking them to do apart-time job.
To begin with, if a child does not know how difficult to make money,he will never value what he has already own and will always waste money. Mybrother was used to waste money all the time until my aunt asked him to have apart-time job in KFC. Later he told me that it is the most tough day he has everhad. 6 RMB for one hour made him depressed and could not help to doubt hisability. He totally understood that earning money is not a piece of cake. Atthe end of the conversation, he promised me that he will never waste money onanything that is useless. From the instance above, it is easy to draw aconclusion that part-time job makes a child understand that a waste on money should be forbidden.
In additon, part-time job helps a child figure out what his interestreally is. A survey from North Western University shows us that over 86 percentfreshman felt “nothing to do in collage because interested in nothing”. I betalmost most of those man has never experienced a part-time job. Scientists toldus that it is wise to choose a major after trying tons of various jobs for thereason that jobs can told you what your real interest is. Having passion to doeverything in your job means that should not be hesitate to choose a relevantemajor. A man interested in literaure should not choose a marketing major. Sucha choice will lead to less efficient and uncomfortable.
Besides, child can learn much more skills, such as communicating, teamwork,dealing with tons of stuff at the same time, and so on, that will be need inadult life than he ever image in part-time job. Most company always put an item”experienced worker has the priority” in their exploying poster because, intheir views, working experience makes them skillful, and therefore,outstanding.
Last but not least, to be fair-and-square, I have to admit that spendingtoo much time on part-time job is easily leading to less attention on studing.Despite adopting adult life, studing is a child original job. |