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gre呀gre的作文~ 非NN~请不要大意的狠拍吧!

发表于 2012-4-7 15:31:57 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One of the ways that parents can help children be ready for adult life is to ask them to do a part-time job. (用时35分钟)

Have you ever heard about a boy wasting too much money on uselesstoys? Have you ever seen a chiId knowing nothing about his interest? Have youever experienced a girl having troubles to communicate with others? If you havenever had such experiences, you would never know the importance of a part-timejob to a child's view to adult life. Hence in my eye, it is important forparents to help children be ready for adult life by asking them to do apart-time job.

To begin with, if a child does not know how difficult to make money,he will never value what he has already own and will always waste money. Mybrother was used to waste money all the time until my aunt asked him to have apart-time job in KFC. Later he told me that it is the most tough day he has everhad. 6 RMB for one hour made him depressed and could not help to doubt hisability. He totally understood that earning money is not a piece of cake. Atthe end of the conversation, he promised me that he will never waste money onanything that is useless. From the instance above, it is easy to draw aconclusion that part-time job makes a child understand that  a waste on money should be forbidden.

In additon, part-time job helps a child figure out what his interestreally is. A survey from North Western University shows us that over 86 percentfreshman felt “nothing to do in collage because interested in nothing”. I betalmost most of those man has never experienced a part-time job. Scientists toldus that it is wise to choose a major after trying tons of various jobs for thereason that jobs can told you what your real interest is. Having passion to doeverything in your job means that should not be hesitate to choose a relevantemajor. A man interested in literaure should not choose a marketing major. Sucha choice will lead to less efficient and uncomfortable.

Besides, child can learn much more skills, such as communicating, teamwork,dealing with tons of stuff at the same time, and so on, that will be need inadult life than he ever image in part-time job. Most company always put an item”experienced worker has the priority” in their exploying poster because, intheir views, working experience makes them skillful, and therefore,outstanding.

Last but not least, to be fair-and-square, I have to admit that spendingtoo much time on part-time job is easily leading to less attention on studing.Despite adopting adult life, studing is a child original job.

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发表于 2012-9-15 17:56:23 | 只看该作者

9.13 综合

Both the writer and the professor discuss some measures that will help the Torreya trees to survive.The writer come(comes) up with three solutions while the professor treat(treats) them as unsuccessful.

To begin with, the writer suggests to reestablish(阅读里面没有说去establish,只是在原地种,所以有点偏差) the microclimate that is cooler and wetter in the same location for Torreya. The professor, however, judges such solution will not succeed because of the global warming. The large region in Florida is much drier than before and the temperature has increased a lot.

In addition, the writer's advice is to move the Torreya to a different place that is further north. On the contrary, the professor takes an opposite note that it is much likely to destroy the other plants there. She takes the black locast tree(black locust tree刺槐;洋槐)as an example, which has been moved to another location and spread quickly. Its migration kills some other nativetrees there which are in danger as well.

What is more, the writer gives the third option(solution) that to move the Torreya trees to the research centers to preserve them a closely monitored environment. In contrary, the professor opposes that the small population will not offer Torreya trees the chance to survive from some disease in the long term for the reason that a large population of Torreya can ensure a genetical diversity. Unfortunately, the research center does not have such capacity to fulfill the population demand.

 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-14 21:31:08 | 只看该作者
9.13 综合

Both the writer and the professor discuss some measures that will help the Torreya trees to survive. The writer come up with three solutions while the professor treat them as unsuccessful.

To begin with, the writer suggests to reestablish the microclimate that is cooler and wetter in the same location for Torreya. The professor, however, judges such solution will not succeed because of the global warming. The large region in Florida is much drier than before and the temperature has increased a lot.

In addition, the writer's advice is to move the Torreya to a different place that is further north. On the contrary, the professor takes an opposite note that it is much likely to destroy the other plants there. She takes the black locast tree as an example, which has been moved to another location and spread quickly. Its migration kills some other trees there which are in danger as well.

What is more, the writer gives the third option that to move the Torreya trees to the research centers to preserve them a closely monitored environment. In contrary, the professor opposes that the small population will not offer Torreya trees the chance to survive from some disease in the long term for the reason that a large population of Torreya can ensure a genetical diversity. Unfortunately, the research center does not have such capacity to fulfill the population demand.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-14 21:30:51 | 只看该作者
9.13 独立

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Colleges or Universities should offer more courses to prepare students for the future before they start working.

Have you ever lost the direction that which kind of job should take? Have you ever been impolite to others but had no idea about it? Have you ever felt frustrated because of not figuring out the solution? If you have never experienced such situations, never will you understand the importance of the courses before starting working. Hence, I hold the view that the courses offered by universities to the students before they start working is important.

First and foremost, there is no doubt that nothing is more important than the career direction. Despite the significance of hard working, a fitable and clear direction can make everyone feel energetic and help to save time and money. To take myself as an example, I used to get an intership about the statistics analysis for my company but I could not do it well even stayed up all night. Thanks to the courses, the professor helped me to find the right direction and I was more suitable for marketing. After that, I applied a marketing job for Standard Chartered Bank and got their offer at the end.

In addition, I cannot emphysize the importance of the occupational manners too much, especially for the group of people that are the new comers to the occupation. Professional and skillful as a person is, he cannot ignore the basic manners. Right the courses offer such trainning, such as never wearing open-toed shoes in formal occasions, never running, more polite for women to wear skirts and some other manners, which will not be taught in the students’ daily classes. If a person performs appropriate, he will win at the first sight and thus will leave a better first impression.

What is more, the courses will act like a bridge between the knowledge students have learned in universities and the experience they should apply in their daily work. Statistics from the magazine Vista show that over 70 percen of the surveyed companies in my city complain that they question the ability of the graduates since they cannot transfer their knowledge as the real profit. Right such courses before working can make up the gap.

In a nutshell, considering someone’s complain that the course will occupy too much in the students’ schedule, you will find that they may fail to point out the final consequence that each students has to face the problem of finding a job and it deserves for them to pay more attention on such courses. To draw a conclusion, I maintain that the preparation courses before working provided by universities are important due to a clearer direction, more polite behaviors, and a bridge between the knowledge and experience in working.

33min 又慢了好吧呀
发表于 2012-9-13 23:38:08 | 只看该作者
9.12 综合

Both the writer and the professor are discussing the number of birds. The writer lists three reasons that will lead the amount of bird decreasing while the professor treats them as unconvincing.

To begin with, the writer complains that birds' natural babitats(habitats) will go on to lose owing to the increasing population. The professor, however, opposites that that some types may shrink but other kinds of birds will increasing(increase) since the urban produces some places for the birds to grow, such as the land for the seagos(sea gulls这玩意儿叫海鸥= =)and the streets for pigeons and even the holkshawks这个是老鹰 can be seen in cities. As a result, the increasing number of birds has been a big problem(听力只是说了increase这个现象,没有说是problem) among cities.

In addition, the writer worries about the habitat in rural areas due to the rising demand for agriculture. On the contrary, the professor argues that less lands has been used for the reason that there is a new crop that can produce more food per unit land. Besides, the woodness land cannot be used to produce food after it has been destroyed.

What is more, the writer states that the abuse of chemical pesticides used to kill pests will prevent birds reproducing and even kill them by polluting water and food chain. In contrast, the professor takes an opposite note that people are more aware of pesticides and two changes exitsexist, a new chemical pesticide with less chemical remain and the new crop resitingresisting pests genetically which will do no harm to birds without chemical pesticide(这句词不达意了感觉像是which will harm birds with chemical pesticide,应该强调是the poisonous substance does no harm to birds).

 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-13 19:33:29 | 只看该作者
9.12 综合

Both the writer and the professor are discussing the number of birds. The writer lists three reasons that will lead the amount of bird decreasing while the professor treats them as unconvincing.

To begin with, the writer complains that birds' natural babitats will go on to lose owing to the increasing population. The professor, however, opposites that that some types may shrink but other kinds of birds will increasing since the urban produces some places for the birds to grow, such as the land for the seagos and the streets for pigeons and even the holks can be seen in cities. As a result, the increasing number of birds has been a big problem among cities.

In addition, the writer worries about the habitat in rural areas due to the rising demand for agriculture. On the contrary, the professor argues that less lands has been used for the reason that there is a new crop that can produce more food per unit land. Besides, the woodness land cannot be used to produce food after it has been destroyed.

What is more, the writer states that the abuse of chemical pesticides used to kill pests will prevent birds reproducing and even kill them by polluting water and food chain. In contrast, the professor takes an opposite note that people are more aware of pesticides and two changes exits, a new chemical pesticide with less chemical remain and the new crop resiting pests genetically which will do no harm to birds without chemical pesticide.
发表于 2012-9-12 23:56:34 | 只看该作者
The writer states three problems the archaeology-dedicate (这个词为什么要出现在这里。。无情地删去!)are facingin United Kingdom while the professor gives three solutions (教授提出的不是solution,而是反驳文章观点)owing to theimproving condition for archaeology.

Firstly, the writer thinks it is a pity to lose many valuableartifacts during the construction proceeding(小西,文章表达的不是pity,而是存在的问题). The professor, however, takes an opposite note since the construction must be examed before they got destroyed.If the scientists examined them as valuable, the scientists must make up a planto remove the constructions to some other place around them.(后面的支持的点是对的)

Secondly, the writer complains(建议用blame来改写一下这句话) that the financial support fromgovernment was limited. On the contrary, the professor applaud to the companies that undergo the project that the archaeologists are paidful (paid)when they are working. Such plan is raised by government, which can be a new resource to support the development of archaeology.

Last but not the least, the writer worries about (文章不是担心,文章是指出考古难的原因 )the career inarchaelogy, which is offered only by universities and government. In contrast,the professor states that the experts major in archaeology are in a new stage.Thanks to the companies, they create so many jobs such as examing theconstruction before they got destroyed, researching, and processing. Suchbehavior helps the amout(amount) of the archaeologists' job become the highest in theBritish history.

小西在文章阅读的时候对文章的理解好像有偏差,文章是说了英国考古难的原因,然后教授说new guidelines让情况好了很多。建议再去重新看一下题目。

 楼主| 发表于 2012-9-12 23:36:05 | 只看该作者
9.11 综合
The writer states three problems the archaeology-dedicate are facingin United Kingdom while the professor gives three solutions owing to theimproving condition for archaeology.

Firstly, the writer thinks it is a pity to lose many valuableartifacts during the construction proceeding. The professor, however, takes anopposite note since the construction must be examed before they got destroyed.If the scientists examined them as valuable, the scientists must make up a planto remove the constructions to some other place around them.

Secondly, the writer complains that the financial support fromgovernment was limited. On the contrary, the professor applaud to the companiesthat undergo the project that the archaeologists are paidful when they areworking. Such plan is raised by government, which can be a new resource tosupport the development of archaeology.

Last but not the least, the writer worries about the career inarchaelogy, which is offered only by universities and government. In contrast,the professor states that the experts major in archaeology are in a new stage.Thanks to the companies, they create so many jobs such as examing theconstruction before they got destroyed, researching, and processing. Suchbehavior helps the amout of the archaeologists' job become the highest in theBritish history.
发表于 2012-9-12 19:37:23 | 只看该作者
9.9 综合
The topic the writer and the professor are(删掉,这一句有两个谓语啦) discussing is about the salvage logging. The writer treats it as positive both for the forest itself and for the economy, while the professor casts doubt on it based on the long term view.

Firstly, the writer considers the salvage logging as beneficial owing to(不应该是own sth to...吗?直接用owe to吗?这个婷婷不确定诶 the extra space for the growth of the new trees. The professor, however, takes an opposite note since it is not a well condition for the new trees to grow. After the dead trees are moved, the new generation cannot absorb the nutrition from soil provided by dead trees.(听力中有一个关键词,建议涌进去哦decompose

Secondly, the writer illustrates that the dead trees offers a great living condition for the insects which will harm the newly born trees. On the contrary, the professor opposes that not all the insects are bad. Besides, the dead trees will not rot within 100 years(貌似没有这一点,听力里是说spruce beetlespruce共生了近100 年没有造成危害)and thus will not provide a suitable living condition for the insects. Even in the long term, such harmful insects can perfectly feed up the birds living in the forest.
Last but not least, the writer applauds that the salvage logging can provide both the dead trees to the companies for their production and the additional jobs for the local residents. Nonetheless, the professor maintains that such benefit will not last long, not only for the damaged material but also for the outsider being the beneficiary instead of the local residents.(漏了一点,devices are expensive to maintain such as helicopter

发表于 2012-9-12 17:40:20 | 只看该作者


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