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浅谈because和in that的区别
A, because B. 和A, in that B. 这两种结构在GMAT中的区别是什么呢?
在GMAT中because和in that在句子结构上的功能相同,都可以单独引导句子,相当于连词。有人说二者的意思一样,只是in that比较正式,我对此持审慎的怀疑态度,因为二者在意思上表达的功能并不一样。
而in that等同于连词可以连接句子,表示事物A的独到之处(特殊功能、与众不同),在于(在…方面)B,并不是严格意义上的原因,而是对前句内容A独有特征的补充说明。可以理解为:the distinction of A is that B… 译为“A有与众不同(的特性),在于B”或者“A怎样怎样… 在B的方面”
试举一例: 这个女孩真漂亮,因为(because)她刚到过韩国整容。 这个女孩真漂亮,因为(in that)她微笑时脸上有两个酒窝。
在中文里,以上两句话都可以用“因为”这个词,但是以上两句话的“因为”含义并不完全一样。 第一句里:because表达强烈因果关系,我们知道这个女孩为什么漂亮,因为刚到韩国整过容。言外之意就是如果没有整容,这女孩不算漂亮。 第二句中:in that 表达特征的补充,我们并不知道这个女孩为什么漂亮(根本原因不明:有可能是天生丽质,有可能是会打扮,有可能是原来整过容),只知道她漂亮的一个特征是微笑时脸上有两个酒窝。言外之意就是即使这女孩不笑的时候也是漂亮的,她笑不笑并不能影响漂亮的事实。
在GMAT中,第一句话倾向于使用because;第二句则倾向于使用 in that。
下面是GMAT使用in that的真题,供大家体会。
1. Teratomas are unusual(独有特征) forms of cancer in that(在于) they are composed of tissues such as tooth and bone, tissues not normally found in the organ in which the tumor appears.
2. Blue-winged warblers are unlike(独有特征) most species of warbler in that(在于) it is very difficult to tell the male and female apart. (D-p108-22)
3. Although ice particles in the upper(独有特征) atmosphere benefit Earth in that(在…方面) they reflect and absorb solar radiation, acting as a global thermostat and thus keeping Earth from either burning up or freezing over, they also accelerate the destruction of the ozone layer by reacting with chlorofluorocarbons (CFC's).
4. The parachutelike membranes of Africa's scaly-tailed flying squirrels differ from(独有特征) those of the flying squirrels in the family Sciuridae in that(在于) they are attached to a cartilage rod at the elbow rather than at the wrist.
5. Deliberately imitating the technique of Louis Armstrong, D. Billie Holiday used her voice in the same way(独有特征) that other musicians use their instruments, in that(在于) she ranged freely over the beat, flatteningout the melodic contours of tunes, and, in effect, recomposed songs to suit her range, style, and artistic sensibilities. (GWD26-Q3)
以上内容为观察在GMAT考题的推测,并不代表语法准则和判断对错的绝对依据。具体运用方法是:在实战中,如果遇到in that不要盲目排除,如果句子本意中有“XXX有与众不同(的特性)…,在于他...”或者“在…方面”的含义,含in that的选项如果没有其他大毛病,优于其他选项。