Guess I will jump in to end your agony. Truth be told, HK IBD are as picky as their US, London conterparts are, if not more. Houses like MS will take an oversea hiring tour (on mostly east coast) to only a handful school (probably no more than 5 or 6, given the presently crappy yet improving economy, damn...). Local HK MBA schools just stand zip or just minor chance to get in BB because after all, there are already so many eager human beings from US TOP5 (with LBS thrown in) begging for a piece of action in HK IBD. On the other side on US Top 15-20, I just don't know, I am sure they will place some ppl in but definitely not based on the school power those hires went to. It's a brutal matter of trying and networking. Ppl at Top 15-20 surely have a shot but they just need to do everything harder. -- by 会员 necroosu (2010/3/2 16:25:52)
北美被神话了。下面是一个香港学校2010年毕业MBA的实习情况,30个左右的大陆学生情况如下,大多数人是非金融背景。 “学校网站还是08年1月毕业的就业报告。09年一月的就业报告估计是难产了,呵呵 08年入学的,前几天学校把Resume book寄到我们公司。。。 这一批大陆学生的实习比我想象的好 这样看来,全职至少不会比我们这届惨
列一些大陆学生的实习: 弘毅投资 (PE) 苏格兰银行 trading 中信证券 capital market 花旗GTS (关系户,地方一般, 大陆人去了6,7个) Jebsen Fedex JP Morgan Chase (equity research) BoCI - fixed income BoCI - IBD British Telecom,在英国实习 Matchpoint (一家hedge fund) Robabank IBD 宏源证券
还有几个香港的去Morgan Stanley和JPM IBD的 ” 香港MBA不是那么不堪一击,经常的零星职位也会落到HKmba头上,况且几乎所有大行都会去做宣讲。这点不比top10差。差就差在有没有面试机会上了,但是一旦面试,就不是看你是啥学校的了。 |