The nineteenth-century chemist Humphry Davy presented the results of his early experiments in his "Essay on Heat and Light," a critique of all chemistry since Robert Boyle as well as a vision of a new chemistry that Davy hoped to found.
53. The nineteenth-century chemist Humphry Davy presented the results of his early experiments in his “Essay on Heat and Light,” a critique of all chemistry since Robert Boyle as well as a vision of a new chemistry that Davy hoped to found.
(A) a critique of all chemistry since Robert Boyle as well as a vision of a (B) a critique of all chemistry following Robert Boyle and also his envisioning of a (C) a critique of all chemistry after Robert Boyle and envisioning as well (D) critiquing all chemistry from Robert Boyle forward and also a vision of (E) critiquing all the chemistry done since Robert Boyle as well as his own envisioning of
哦。。。是不是介词短语并列过程中介词习惯补出原则?如果all chemistry和a vision要平行的话a vision前面要加of的吧?也就是说如果是这样写 - a critique of all chemistry ... as well as of a vision,那就是chemistry和a vision平行了。嗯嗯看起来是这样。请大虾们指点。
哦。。。是不是介词短语并列过程中介词习惯补出原则?如果all chemistry和a vision要平行的话a vision前面要加of的吧?也就是说如果是这样写 - a critique of all chemistry ... as well as of a vision,那就是chemistry和a vision平行了。嗯嗯看起来是这样。请大虾们指点。
哦。。。是不是介词短语并列过程中介词习惯补出原则?如果all chemistry和a vision要平行的话a vision前面要加of的吧?也就是说如果是这样写 - a critique of all chemistry ... as well as of a vision,那就是chemistry和a vision平行了。嗯嗯看起来是这样。请大虾们指点。
我知道为什么critiquing不对,只是不明白为什么chemistry和a vision 不能平行,为什么真正平行的是a critique of all chemistry 和a vision of a new chemistry 。all chemistry和a vision不是两个名词么?恕我愚钝。