别人在过平安夜 我在做面试真是醉了
贡献一个面经攒RP, 求IC霸霸赏我一个offer
Q1 自我介绍 Q2 Which of your personal attributes aremost important to achieving success? Q3 You are leading a project which isrunning out of funds. How would you convince an investor to commit moreresources to the project? Q4 一个课外团队合作你make adifference 你做了什么 Q5 One of your university professors sitson a charity board with a senior executive of a company you would like to workfor. In around 250 words draft an email to your professor to try to arrange anintroduction. (断网刷了一道) You attended a careers event and one of thepanel members was a very senior executive at a company you would like to workfor. In around 250 words, draft a follow up email to them. Q6 苹果和谷歌应不应该多交税
口语题目都是去年题库里的题 基本都可以准备到 但写作就比较难时间也很紧 我感觉最近的都是写邮件
2/13 更新 已经收到 con offer 决定去这个项目了 想问下有没有同样决定去这个项目的小伙伴可以交流一下吗