before:Today, I like to talk about the subjcet about geneic modication. We shoud't be so confused by biologoical with genenic modication which is a far more general term. In fact, biologics use to make products and as examples to use enzm to make cheese or yorgut. Er, let's back to the main topic, let's establish the defination of the term of geneic modication. Anyone? Altering the structure of the genenic desin of a plant? That's partly right, but not just plants. It also refers to animals backteris, or any organism. The outcome of altering genetic names like genenic modifine, genenic engeneeri.
Now why do we want to alter the make up of the genenic of plants or animals? To make it grow faster? To make it to resist to diseaces? Yes, both of you are correct. Thoese are two important reasons. There're a number of another reasons too. Er, for example, to improve the cross ability to survive in the dry consitions. or add an important nutruit to people's dieat, or add something into the pill to debate one disease.
It's important to disscuss where this teqic takes us, all organism alter their genenic to adpat to the envole. But for the first time, we have the tecqeic to control the process. Now the first and important step for this prcess is to identify the charecter of the genenic. And of course we also find new techknowledges to anylise the data.
Today, I'd like to talk about the subject about genetic modification. By the way, we shouldn't confuse biotechnology with genetic modification, which is a far more general term. In fact, biotechnology refers to using of organisms to make products and includes for example, something as simple as using enzyme to make cheese or yogurt. Er, let's get back to the main topic, let's establish the definition of the term of genetic modification. Anyone? Altering the genetic structure of plants? That's partly right, but not just plants. It also refers to the genetic makeup of animals, bacteria, or any living organism. The result organism is said to be “genetic modified”, genetic engineered” or “transgenic” Now why do we want to alter the genetic makeup of plants or animals? To make it grow faster?To make it be resistant to disease? Yes, both of you are correct. Those are two important reasons. There're a number of other reasons too. Er, for example, to improve the crops’ ability to survive in the dry conditions. or add an important nutrients to people's diet, or add something into the pill to debateone disease. It's important to discuss where this technology takes us, all organism alter their genetic structures to survive. Now for the first time, we have the opportunity to control the process. Now the first and important step for this process is to identify the characteristics of the genetic. And of course we also find new technologies to analyze the data.