457. John Smith provides information on the conditions that lead women to a gynecologist, (and he notes that these conditions can, and sometimes are, used in the promotion of surgery which is not needed.) (A) and he notes that these conditions can, and sometimes are, used in the promotion of surgery which is not needed (B) noting that these conditions can be, and sometimes are, used to promote needless surgery (C) and notes that they could and sometimes are used unnecessarily in promoting surgery (D) sometimes promoting needless surgery (E) which they use sometimes to promote unnecessary surgery OA:B, DE,为何不对呢? D看作现在分词表示前面的事情导致的影响,E中which跳跃指代condition, they只能指代women,也说得过去呀。 望NN现身现身.... -- by 会员 marque (2011/9/2 11:39:51)
好吧~我觉得首先要明白promote这个动作是谁发出的。。。根据原句的意思,是condition发出的,即逻辑主语是condition~ d有点改变意思和歧义,首先,doing是伴随provide的,逻辑主语是J~其次,在这个句子里面,完全可以理解成promote的由 a gynecologist发出的,这不是很妥当~ d的问题也是,若是which指代woman,promote的动作是由woman发出,请问原句的意思有说condition是要被woman用的吗?
原句的意思是j提供信息在这样一个条件上(这个条件让woman变成g) |