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上午刚考完。。没事做发个机经吧。。 issue: It is primarily through our identification with social groups that we define ourselves Argue: One month ago, all the showerheads in the first three buildings of the Sunnyside Towers complex were modified to restrict maximum water flow to one-third of what it used to be. Although actual readings of water usage before and after the adjustment are not yet available, the change will obviously result in a considerable savings for Sunnyside Corporation, since the corporation must pay for water each month. Except for a few complaints about low water pressure, no problems with showers have been reported since the adjustment. I predict that modifying showerheads to restrict water flow throughout all twelve buildings in the Sunnyside Towers complex will increase our profits even more dramatically. 遇到了QVQVQ, 会不会第一个Q做太好了后面的Q就会加大难度啊。。第二个Q我居然最后两题都没时间了。。 考到了3的81次方除以5的余数是多少。。(机经) 有道题说的是三个机器,分别花时间4,6,8小时完成一个plot,问三台机器同时操作,完成一个plot,第一台占的比例是多少。。 还问了x出现几率是0.3,y出现的几率是0.4,问第五次出现是x,第七次出现的还是x的几率是多少。。(机经) 一个圆形上有六个点,问两点之间的线段有多少条。。我选的15 考了很多算数平均数。。三角形。。百分比的问题。。
语文部分填空比较挫。。就不多说了。。 考到了。。Shanghai architecture abhorrent Western influence, that’s why it is still------today. 答案:disdained 輕視;蔑視 这道题 还有 中国人口增长的问题。。忘了具体是什么了 =。=。。 阅读第一篇长文章是26篇经典中的the color purple, 但是文章不完全一样。。要长的多,有三段,问了 the letter from Nettie to Celie的作用是什么。。 一片短文章讲的是中国哲学分两派,XX认为人性本善,但是外界影响使得人性变坏。。YY认为人性本恶,但是外界修养什么的可以使得变好。。
其余的记不太起来了。。考的也不是很好。。郁闷中。。 |