原句:The council granted the right to make legal petitions TO CITY OFFICIALS。
原文是这样说的:what does the phrase to "city offcials"mean? Did the city officials recieve the right to make leagal petitions? Or did someone else recieve the right to ake petitions to the officials ?(这是他说这个句子有歧义的地方)
意思1: the council granted (the right to make legal petitions) to city officials --> granted the right TO city officials. 这是楼主理解的意思
意思2: the council granted the right to make legal petition (TO city officials) --> granted SOMEBODY the right to make legal petition TO city officials. = the council granted the right to do something to somebody.
我个人理解一个是直接让city officials 有权力 the city official has the right to make legal petition
另一个是对official make petition,但是是别人有权力对official make petition, 就是原文说的someone else receive the right to make petitions to the officials
原因这个to official产生歧义,一个是grant the right to official让official可以make petition,一个是make petition to official,让someone有权力可以make petition to official