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Doyou agree or disagree the statement: Your job has more effect on your happinessthan your social life does. Nowadays in China, as a result of more andmore graduates and limited jobs, most people choose their future careerdepending on the salary and the repetition of the jobs. This makes some peopledo what they don't like or have little interest in. This kind of case is socommon now, directly leading to less happiness and devotion to jobs. Somepeople argue that your job has more effect on your happiness than your sociallife does. Basically, I disagree with this opinion. Actually, social life makes up with the mainpart in our daily life, thus our happiness have more to do with it. Every daywe have countless communications with the family, friends, and even strangers.We chat with our friends and talk about the latest film and daily life. Weshare our feelings with our family, which makes us feel beloved. We can meethundreds of strangers when we are on our way to work, and sometimes one or moreof them have unbelievable connects on you. Social life consists of this tinythings, however, plays a big role in our life. Moreover, spending time to dosome relaxing activities may also do good to our happiness. After work manypeople choose to hang out to cinemas, restaurants, gyms and shopping malls.Why? This is because people can find happiness in the daily social life, whichmakes them feel soothen and gain less pressure. It is common that people accomplish theirdaily work just for responsibility but not interests. This makes job more ofwhat you should do, instead of what you like to do. Day by day employees strivefor money, repetition and achievement, but not happiness. This makes a kind ofpeople appear in the modern society, who drive luxury cars, use LV handbags andlive in a big house, but not happy. If job has more effect on your happiness,why they these so-called successful people are unhappy? Admittedly, people can also get a lot ofsatisfaction and happiness in the work if they have solved some problems and beadmitted by their boss etc. Little recognition at work may bring about manynegative moods to them. An old saying goes that “Interest is the best teacher”.If you try to find interest and motivation in work and also have a satisfiedsocial life, well, you can be the happiest person across the whole world.
很怕审题出现误差啊。。比如这个social life的范围到底是什么 写的不好 ,求高手指正! |