Hi, Thank you all for your help. I also sent the same email to the webmaster yesterday and got very prompt reply from zero directly. He pointed it out there might be host problem, as 大猪 suspected - DNS server cannot resolve our Doman Name to our IP address. We have tried a couple of things, including typing the IP address directly etc. It did not work until after a certain point, my husband was suddently able to go on this website through his laptop - he claimed he tried to access this site previous but did not work. It was so strange. Half hour later for the desktop we were able to get on chasedream through google search chasedream link. He recalled the only thing he did is that he addded the Chasedream Serve IP address to our rounter host list etc.... we have a wireless rounter system set up at home - complicated! Now I am able to get on chasedream and writing you this message. Thanks again!!!