128. Australian embryologists have foundevidence that suggests that the elephant is descended from an aquaticanimal, and its trunk originally evolving as a kind of snorkel.
(A) that suggests that the elephant isdescended from an aquatic animal, and its trunk originally evolving
(B) that has suggested the elephant descendedfrom an aquatic animal, its trunk originally evolving
(C) suggesting that the elephant haddescended from an aquatic animal with its trunk originally evolved
(D) to suggest that the elephant had descendedfrom an aquatic animal and its trunk originally evolved
(E) to suggest that the elephant isdescended from an aquatic animal and that its trunk originally evolved
问题1就是历史遗留问题——OG对于B选项的解释the evidence still suggests these things about the evolution of the elephant and its trunk,so the present-perfect verb tense is inaccurate.
那么这个B选项中的has suggested我怎么看怎么都是对的,因为suggest这个动作发生在过去,同时到现在都是一直在suggest后面的内容,并且会一直持续下去,太切合现在完成时的用法了,所以怎么就不对了呢?我严重怀疑OG的解释!