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- 1970-1-1
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本人为ASU研究生(女),室友暑假回国,现转租她的房间,ASU东边公寓两卧室一浴室中的一间卧室。 可转租期:5月1日起至5月31日。
卧室租金:$290/整月,或者 $150/半个月,包括网络电费,无其他费用。卧室有基本的家具。
位置和交通: 小区位于E. University Dr.和S McClintock Dr.交界处。具体:1920 Hayden Ln. 小区门口(Hayden Ln.)即是免费公车大约10分钟一趟,12分钟左右到ASU东侧,15分钟左右到ASU北侧。骑车大约15分钟到ASU。
地图: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=zh-CN&geocode=&q=1920+E+Hayden+Ln+Tempe,+AZ+85281-7706&sll=33.421699,-111.906824&sspn=0.016047,0.026822&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=1920+E+Hayden+Ln,+Tempe,+Arizona+85281&z=16
特点: 小区有自动门,设有密码。距离Tempe market 和中国超市Mekong都比较近。 本人为ASU学生,房间整洁,带可walk-in的储藏室,家具设备厨具齐全。 公寓在二层,屋里自带洗衣机和烘干机。
有意者请联系: sereinnep(在) gmail.com,手机:4802750092。
I am subleasing one bedroom in a 2-bedroom 1-bathroom apartment east to ASU campus (around 1.5 mile) this summer.
Time for sublease: May 01 thru May 31.
Renting fee of the bedroom: $290/month, or $150/half month, all utilities(Internet and electricity, etc.) included. The bedroom is furnished with basic furniture.
Location and transportation: 1920 E. Hayden Ln. Tempe, AZ 85281 (around E. University Dr. & S McClintock Dr). The station of bus (“Mercury") is right in front of the the apartment complex. It takes the bus 12 minutes to the east side of ASU, or 15 minutes to the north side of ASU. Bus frequency: 10-15 minutes
Click here for the Map: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=zh-CN&geocode=&q=1920+E+Hayden+Ln+Tempe,+AZ+85281-7706&sll=33.421699,-111.906824&sspn=0.016047,0.026822&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=1920+E+Hayden+Ln,+Tempe,+Arizona+85281&z=16
Characters: It's a great apartment complex, small but cozy, and with walking distance to Tempe market, bar/restaurant “four peaks”, etc. It has a covered parking area, and is gated in the evening. The apartment is on the second floor. There is a washing machine and dryer in the kitchen.
Photo: https://picasaweb.google.com/sereinnep
If you are interested in it, contact me via sereinnep(在) gmail.com , or 4802750092. |