No 1. New items developed for automobiles in the 1997 nodel year included a safer air bag, which, unlike previous air bags, eliminated the possibility that a burst of somke would appear when the bag inflated, and making an already terrified passenger think the car was on fire.
A inflated, and making
B inflated, so that it could make
C inflated and made
D inflated and make
E inflated to make
No 2. (Until recently, the Inuit people led a nomadic existence, sheltering) in igloos, the ice-block domes that are peculiar to north-central Canada, and in structures made of stones, bones, driftwood, and skins.
A Until……
B During recent times, the Inuit people lead a nomadic existence, sheltering
C In the times that are recent, the Inuit people led a nomadic existence, sheltered
D Up Until recently, the Inuit people, leading a nomadic existence, have sheltered
E Until recent times, leading a nomadic existence, the Inuit people were sheltered
No1 I choose D, but somebody chooses E.
No2,I choose A, but somebody chooses D.
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