Because the Ebola virus is easily destroyed and it is therefore a most exclusive virus, it is being increasingly viewed as a threat to sub-Saharan life.
A. and it is therefore a most exclusive virus, it is being increasingly viewed
B. it is therefore a most exclusive virus, and it has increased viewed
C. and therefore a most exclusive virus, it is being increasingly viewed
D. and therefore it is the most exclusive virus, there is increasing view
E. therfore being the most exclusive virus, it is increasingly viewed
Correct: C
书上解释说:You are asked to understand the issue of parallel construction. 我怎么看不怎么出来是在考平行问题?而且不是说being 在选项中一般都是错的吗?到底being 的用法是怎样的,请牛牛们指教!谢谢
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-5-24 5:22:01编辑过] |