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1.(381)Ancient stone pieces discovered at the Asforby site in England, an example of the earliest known tools made in prehistoric Europe, includes flint cores used for weapon creation, blades, flakes and 'debitage' (small chips from tool-working).
(A) England, an example of the earliest known tools made in prehistoric Europe, includes
(B) England are an example of the earliest known tools made in prehistoric Europe, including
(C) England, examples of the earliest known tools made in prehistoric Europe, include
(D) England are examples of the earliest known tools made in prehistoric Europe and including
(E) England are examples of the earliest known tools made in prehistoric Europe, including
2.(382)For those who walk through the surrounding maze of streets, the dynamics that make Buenos Aires—one of the great immigrant cities of the developing world—comes into focus.
(A) that make Buenos Aires—one of the great immigrant cities of the developing world—comes into focus
(B) that make Buenos Aires, which is one of the great immigrant cities of the developing world, comes into focus
(C) which make Buenos Aires one of the great immigrant cities of the developing world comes into focus
(D) making Buenos Aires to be one of the great immigrant cities of the developing world come into focus
(E) making Buenos Aires one of the great immigrant cities of the developing world come into focus
3.(383)While bear markets certainly hurt institutional investors, they are potentially devastating for individual investors, whose nest eggs—in many cases representing the sole source of retirement funds—can plummet or even vanish entirely.
(A) they are potentially devastating for individual investors, whose
(B) they can potentially devastate individual investors in that their
(C) for individual investors they are potentially devastating, because their
(D) for individual investors, it is potentially devastating in that their
(E) it can potentially devastate individual investors, whose this one tests you on pronouns --
4.(384)The mathematical insights made by Paul Dirac were essential to his productive collaboration with Edwin Schrodinger, with whom they shared a Nobel prize in 1933, and to his own successful efforts to apply the special theory of relativity to the quantum mechanics of the electron.
A. to his productive collaboration with Edwin Schrodinger, with whom they shared a Nobel prize in 1933, and to
B. to his productive collaboration with Edwin Schrodinger, with whom Dirac shared a Nobel prize in 1933, and to
C. to his productive collaboration with Edwin Schrodinger, with whom both men shared a Nobel prize in 1933, and to
D. towards his productive collaboration with Edwin Schrodinger, with whom Dirac shared a Nobel prize in 1933, and to
E. in his productive collaboration with Edwin Schrodinger, with whom Dirac shares a Nobel prize in 1933, and in
5.(385)One of the only known anglerfish without a luring appendage or pelvic fins, Histiophryne psychedelica, with large flexible frills on its cheeks, which possibly help them to detect the movement of predators.
A. psychedelica, with large flexible frills on its cheeks, which possibly help them to
B. psychedelica, with large flexible frills on their cheeks, which possibly help it to
C. psychedelica, with large flexible frills on its cheeks, which possibly help them
D. psychedelica has large flexible frills on its cheeks, possibly to help it
E. psychedelica has large flexible frills on their cheeks, possibly to help it
6.(386)Responding to negative reactions to an internal memorandum discouraging use of the word Chevy, General Motors moved on Thursday to explain its strategy and to reassure consumers that it still valued the popular nickname for Chevrolet.
(A) General Motors moved on Thursday to explain its strategy and to reassure consumers that it still valued
(B) General Motors moved on Thursday to explain their strategy and to reassure consumers that they still valued
(C) General Motors employees had moved on Thursday to explain their strategy and to reassure consumers that they still valued
(D) a move was made on Thursday to explain General Motors’ strategy and to reassure consumers that it still valued
(E) a move was made on Thursday to explain General Motors’ strategy and to reassure consumers that they still valued
7.(387)Several Pentagon contractor firms are working on a new class of ventilator masks, not just for emergency and cleanup workers but to prepare for outbreaks of dangerous viruses and still another growing threat: the accidental releases of nanoparticles, which are the infinitesimal, engineered fibers that are starting to be used in electronics, food, medicine, and more.
(A) outbreaks of dangerous viruses and still another growing threat: the accidental releases of nanoparticles, which are the infinitesimal, engineered fibers
(B) outbreaks of dangerous viruses and still another growing threat: the accidental releases of nanoparticles and the infinitesimal, engineered fibers
(C) outbreaks of dangerous viruses and still another growing threat of the accidental releases of nanoparticles, the infinitesimal and engineered fibers
(D) outbreaks of dangerous viruses and for still another growing threat: the accidental releases of nanoparticles, the infinitesimal and engineered fibers
(E) outbreaks of dangerous viruses and to protect against still another growing threat of the accidental releases of nanoparticles and the infinitesimal and engineered fibers
8.(388)At nearly 38 million dollars, one of the least costly options being considered, the delegate’s proposal was ultimately rejected not only on account of its sizable budget but also on account of its considerable risk.
(A) At nearly 38 million dollars, one of the least costly options being considered, the delegate’s proposal was ultimately rejected not only on account of its sizable budget but also on account of its considerable risk.
(B) Even at nearly 38 million dollars, the delegate’s proposal was among the less costly options being considered; it was ultimately rejected not on account of its sizable budget but on account of its riskiness.
(C) The delegate’s 38-million-dollar proposal, which was ultimately not rejected on account of its sizable budget but on account of its riskiness, had actually been one of the less costly options being considered.
(D) The delegate’s 38-million-dollar proposal, nevertheless among the least costly options being considered, was ultimately not rejected on account of its sizable budget, but its riskiness.
(E) Ultimately rejected due not just to its sizable budget but also to its considerable risk, the delegate’s proposal, even at 38 million dollars, was one of the least costly options under consideration.
9.(389)The political leanings of the electorate are influenced by, as well as influence, those of the current administration, for the citizenry tends to lean towards or away from the perceived ideology of the president and the cabinet, depending on the administration's popularity.
(A) are influenced by, as well as influence, those of the current administration, for the citizenry tends to lean towards or away from the perceived ideology of the president and the cabinet, depending on the administration's popularity.
(B) is influenced by, as well as influences, those of the current administration, for the citizenry tends to lean towards or away from the perceived ideology of the president and the cabinet, depending on the administration's popularity.
(C) influence, as well as are influenced, by those of the current administration, for the citizenry tends to lean towards or away from the perceived ideology of the president and the cabinet, depending on the administration's popularity.
(D) are influenced by, as well as influence, that of the current administration, for the citizenry tends to lean towards or away from the perceived ideology of the president and the cabinet, depending on the popularity of the administration.
(E) are influenced by, as well as influence, those of the current administration, for the citizenry tends to lean towards or against the perceived ideology of the president and the cabinet, depending on the administration's popularity.
10.(390)Many companies require that every employee be reviewed by his or her superior twice per year.
(A) require that every employee be reviewed by his or her superior
(B) require that every employee to be reviewed by his or her superior
(C) require that every employee will be reviewed by his or her superior
(D) have a requirement for an employee review
(E) have a requirement to review every employee |