The World Wildlife Fund has declared that global warming, a phenomenon most scientists agree to be caused by human beings in burning fossil fuels, will create havoc among migratory birds by altering the environment in ways harmful to their habitats. (A) a phenomenon most scientists agree to be caused by human beings in burning fossil fuels, (B) a phenomenon most scientists agree that is caused by fossil fuels burned by human beings, (C) a phenomenon that most scientists agree is caused by human beings’ burning of fossil fuels, (D) which most scientists agree on as a phenomenon caused by human beings who burn fossil fuels, (E) which most scientists agree to be a phenomenon caused by fossil fuels burned by human beings,
看了所有的讨论贴,C是搞清楚了,但是其它选项解释的模模糊糊的,D、E是因为which不如句末同位语好,且D中agree on as用法不对;B中that没有紧跟phenomenon造成句子歧义。 有两个个问题,请NN们解答~不胜感激: 1、有点讨论贴里说,这里的phenomenon后面一定要加that, 想明确一下,是指 概括性同位语(a program/information/an effort/a practice...)+that 这种形式么?不是所有的同位语见不着that就算错吧~~~~ 2、还有A我不太理解,解释里说:To be caused and in burning are wordy,awkward, and indirect.具体是怎么错了呢~?
2. wordy/awkward,应该指的agree to be caused; indirect指by human beings in burning fossil fuels,当然不如by human beings’ burning of fossil fuels来的直接。。看多了对这种错误的感觉就有了~
2. wordy/awkward,应该指的agree to be caused; indirect指by human beings in burning fossil fuels,当然不如by human beings’ burning of fossil fuels来的直接。。看多了对这种错误的感觉就有了~
-- by 会员 AlohaDJ (2011/8/19 18:10:20)
谢谢谢谢~~明白,我也知道这种phenomenon应该是由人们燃烧化石燃料这个行为造成的,而非单独是fossil fuels或者human beings产生,这种结构确实不如C好,但是sth. to be done,这种结构语法上有没有绝对的错误?~~谢谢解答哈~~