R2申请的,3.31的面试,lawrence的确如大家说的很friendly。因为赶着知道结果,刚刚联系了小米,小米说会发 ad offer。也许一路走来都抱着可有可无锦上添花的心情,没有花太大力气,不过还是很开心的说,也许MBA能为我渐渐平淡的生活画上一抹亮色。 Interview Sharing 1. Biggest challenges 2. Short-term; Mid-term; Long-term career goals 3. How would I cope with Mainland China's working environment (因为我告诉他LT来说我是打算回去发展的) 4. What's your leadership style 5. How do I think of the difference between GS & MS 6. How did I cope with multi-culture environment Background: BBA with full scholarship in HK; 3.5 Y w/e @ Top 2 ibank; GMAT 660 (裸考) -- by 会员 keepbreathing (2011/4/4 12:17:03)