"这里的疑问是:按照平行的规则,neither...nor...连接的两个并列的平行结构,单纯从平行结构上来看,vast是无论怎样也不能修饰staff的。而现在解释中说到:vast跟在neither后面而不用出现在nor后面,就可以修饰amounts of moeny和staff,我没见过平行结构有这样的规矩。" 凡事不要太武断, 没见过绝对不代表没有, 对待科学, 态度要严谨. 首先看一个例子, OG152 152. When the technique known as gene-splicing was invented in the early 1970's, it was feared that scientists might inadvertently create an "Andromeda strain," a microbe never before seen on Earth that might escape from the laboratory and it would kill vast numbers of humans who would have no natural defenses against it. (A) it would kill vast numbers of humans who would have no natural defenses against it (B) it might kill vast numbers of humans with no natural defenses against it (C) kill vast numbers of humans who would have no natural defenses against it (D) kill vast numbers of humans who have no natural defenses against them (E) kill vast numbers of humans with no natural defenses against them 这里答案是C, 很明显, vast numbers of是存在的. 平行的很重要的一条原则就是可以省略相同的部分, C中省略了相同的vast在numbers也是非常合理的. 所以有歧义. |