新手上路,茫然中,冒昧请教KEVIN,竟然有回复,实在是惊喜之余,热烈感谢kevin同学 1.hr phd 哪些学校是可能给fellowship 2.hr专业在美国好找工作么? 3.能不能推荐几个比较好的hr phd学校或方向,比如只在国外有的,而国内没有的方向 4.你认为是选专业排名重要、还是学校,或者导师,还是方向 1. Normally, US institutes give business PhD students the financial aid in form of a combination of full-tuition waiver plus living stipend given that the candidate will be willing to serve as either a research assistant or a teaching assistant. In other words, the most common financial aid package you might be expecting for is called RA/TA. Fellowship is awarded only to those with distinct achievements academically or in terms of research outcomes. It entitles the recipient to a full-tuition waiver plus living stipend without the duty of serving the department or any specific professor. So, it technically means that you earn the money without any input. 2. It depends on a lot of things, such as your research outputs, your connection with key academia people in your field, the degree to which your advisor recommend you to act as a faculty, and so on so forth. One cannot predict whether he or she will successfully secure a position in the academia after obtaining the PhD degree. The only thing you can do is to devote yourself to this process. 3. Currently, some hot areas include high-performance work system, executive pay, HR's role in strategic alliance, leader-member exchange, perceived organizational support, HR scorecard, and etc. Chinese scholars, to be frankly, have contributed extremely little to the research field since they hardly produce high-quality papers. As for the good schools for HR PHD, here I may give you a list based on my own opinion: Cornell, U Iowa, UIUC, Rutgers, U Michigan, Michigan State, U Minnesota, Washington U at St. Louis, U Wisconsin-Madison, UIC, U Florida, Arizona State, Penn State. 4. I am not able to answer this question in a general rational. It totally depends on your background rather than anything else.