105. Beatrix Potter, in her book illustrations, carefully coordinating them with her narratives, capitalized on her keen observation and love of the natural world. (A) Beatrix Potter, in her book illustrations, carefully coordinating them with her narratives, (B) In her book illustrations, carefully coordinating them with her narratives, Beatrix Potter (C) In her book illustrations, which she carefully coordinated with her narratives, Beatrix Potter (D) Carefully coordinated with her narratives, Beatrix Potter, in her book illustrations (E) Beatrix Potter, in her book illustrations, carefully coordinated them with her narratives and Logical predication; Rhetorical construction Th is sentence awkwardly presents two phrases intended to modify Beatrix Potter and loses the clarity and logic of the meaning. In the original sentence, these modifi ers sound choppy and create too much separation between the subject, Beatrix Potter, and the verb capitalized. Beginning the sentence with In her book illustrations and following that phrase with the relative clause which she carefully coordinated with her narratives allows the subject, Beatrix Potter, to be united with the verb, capitalized, for a stronger main clause. A Th e participial phrase does not clearly modify the noun in the preceding phrase; use of the present progressive form of the verb confuses the sequence of time with respect to the past tense of the main verb capitalized. B Phrase carefully coordinating … illogically modifi es the noun that immediately precedes it: book illustrations; Potter, not the illustrations, did the coordinating. C Correct. Th e correct placement of the modifying elements makes this sentence easier to understand; the use of which clearly links the two elements. D Carefully coordinated … absurdly modifi es Beatrix Potter rather than her illustrations. E Th e participial phrase does not clearly modify book illustrations; the relationships among the parts of the sentence are unclear. Th e correct answer is C. 为什么E不对呢,我看了解释还是不能很好的理解,请理解的大家指导一下小女吧。谢谢谢谢了!! |