87. “As technologies and the demand for certain services change, many workers will lose their jobs. The responsibility for those people to adjust to such change should belong to the individual worker, not to government or to business.” The vicissitude of the work force market is largely due to the boost-and-boom technical innovation, thus leading to the swift change of service and skill requirements. It is no use of searching culprits, as de facto there’s no actual one, nevertheless, all the responsibility would be better shared and shouldered by all sectors of our society, including government, business, charitable organizations, and most importantly, workers themselves. Grand institutions are fully able to establish a well-organized system for workers with obsolete working skills to hopefully pursue another brand new future career, a system which could not be achieved simply by those most needed. Within this re-educational system, workers would refresh their cognitive knowledge, create a new networking in a specific field, and better adapt themselves to an agnostic working environment. In return, government curbs the unemployment rate in a healthy practical way, while business recruits better candidates with absolute qualifications. However, the crucial determinant of whether the work transition succeeds or not, lies still in the own hands of the workers. Besides the well-equipped transferring ambiance, internal incentives top first. Obsolete working skills were the initial mistakes overlook by workers, and so do not leave inertia the consecutive fault. Positive attitudes towards the unknown technologies are essentially the key to the relocation in society. It is believed that in current modern society those who completely depend on government feedings without doing anything valuable would finally be abandoned and defied. The revolution of technology is sometimes unexpected, and usually alters in a surprisingly speed. Under the condition that we are left behind the era, certain active remedies should be adopted so as to compensate for our loss. Every social sector plays its own role in the mechanical operation, that is to say, each lagging is likely to cause the overall delay of social and civil progression. Only by the reunification of government, business and workers themselves will the updated transition be fast overcome so that the society as a whole functions effectively and efficiently.