今年2月份刚过来纽约州陪读。因为托福考试已经过期了,所以上周五刚刚重新考过,成绩估计要月底才能出来。Gmat在2007年3月考的,一个经济的分数550。原本是打算托福考试结束后重新考GMAT,但是听了很多这里的人说分数并不是决定性因素建议我还是应该用这个成绩先争取申请看看。 我不知道现在申请今年9月的入学是否还来得及呢?另外,我也有个关于专业选择的难题。 简单说说我的背景,重庆人,17岁职高毕业后在北京工作10年,其间完成了自己的学业:工商管理。最初两年在酒店工作宴会预订部门,其后两年在一家外销外租公寓的房地产公司副总裁秘书兼部门主管工作,最近6年在一家global的电信测试仪器公司任中国区市场传播主管。虽然行业不同,但是每个工作的具体性质基本上都是和marketing, communications, advertisement, exhibitions, media等打交道。 I am going to apply school at here; however, I am quite confused about the major. From the interests stand, I am interesting in Hospitality industry. Some people agree with me to apply this major because they think hospitality industry is very appropriate for me. They think I definitely have the gifts of grace, charm, and hospitality. They said I have a very positive attitude and my personality suits this industry. Most time they like to call my personality a “sunny disposition”. They also think I am a people-person with extremely strong interpersonal skills. They suggest me that I should treasure all of my personalities and follow my real interests and willing. From my advantage stand, I think I should take the major in marketing or communications since I think my working experiences in Anritsu in Marketing Communication is the most valuable asset for me, likewise, this working experience will help me apply the marketing major easier in U.S. Meanwhile, I was very enjoying the time I worked with you and in Anritsu during the past 6 years. From the realistic stand, people advised me to take major in accounting or nursing since the 2 majors in U.S. can help foreigner find job to stay U.S. more easily and quickly. I think I don’t have any difficulty to study in either accounting or nursing; however, this 2 majors don’t match my personality or working experiences. 我的本意还是觉得应该遵从自己真正的兴趣,而且自己也刚好有这方面的工作经历,性格也合适。原先在酒店工作时,是处于基层,身边没有人给自己很好的关于酒店的介绍,而北京人对酒店行业又一直有偏见,看不起服务行业,所以后来自己就离开了。但是后来不论是自己还是身边的很多朋友都觉得我的性格还是很适合服务行业,2月份过来这里后遇到一个曾经从事酒店业的长辈,相处一阵子后她也再次说了同样的话,所以我现在真的也想重新了解酒店管理这里行业,关于这个行业未来的就业情况,行业的发展情况等等。希望有了解hospitality或者marketing的前辈给我多多指点。 另外,不知道现在自己申请08年秋季入学是否来得及,或者有春季入学吗? |