以下是引用keyan在2004-1-30 1:51:00的发言:各位大侠, 本人近日收到了WUSTL和UMD的offer,WUSTL还给了约三分之一学费的奖学金. 可我一直举棋不定是到底选哪个学校.UMD的地理位置好,毕业时找工作可能容易一点,但WUSTL的排名比UMD高,特别在US news上的排名要高了20位,而且学校的总体声誉也比UMD高. 哪位大侠对这两个学校比较了解,能否给点建议? 谢谢! Dear Keyan, i think it is really a hard decision. in the States, the WU is much more famous than umd (the harvard in middle-west). however, the tuition is cheap in umd. if money is not a big concern, you may need to do a thoroughful research to find out which one fits you well. i also applied both in 2nd round and am preparing my telephone interview now for umd, can you kindly share us some interview experience with us. many thanks! |