23/02/20更新完毕: 目前已经基本决定去向了,所以后续应该不会再有新的面试了。除了下面提到的学校,我还经历了一些prof用自己funding招生/收到其他学校offer后自己主动询问拿到的面试,感觉这些情况下的面经参考价值不太大,就不放出来了。
ESSEC 23/01/25
1v1 interview with coordinator 25min
1.what accounting topics interest you
2.Questions about the research question I raised
3.RA experience
4.Why acct instead of finance
5.Favorite literature books
7.Do you have any other questions
UTD 23/01/26
committee interview with 3 faculties (including coordinator) 20min
2.Why ACCT phd
3.RA experience
4.How to generate research ideas/how to be a successful researcher
5.Tell us about one of your research projects
6.Do you have any other questions
两个学校的共同点是面试风格很轻松,比较接近聊天,而且出结果都很快,UTD表示early next week会有结果,ESSEC是两周之内出结果,所以楼主目前肥肠慌张..希望发点面经能接来offer和更多的面试
Bocconi 23/01/31
interview with 2 faculties (including coordinator) 25min (又双叒没有自我介绍,寒暄之后直接进入正题) 1.chat 2.How did I get one of my RA opportunity
3.Why phd 4.RA experience 5.How do you get to know Bocconi 6.Tell us about one of your research projects 7.Other Universities I applied to 8.Career plan & location preference 9.Do you have any other questions
FSFM 23/02/06 interview with 2 faculties 30min
1. self-intro2. Master Thesis
3. Research you want to do during PhD stage
4. What does FS attract you most5. RA experience 6. Your expectation on an ideal PhD program 7. Who do you want to work with in FS 8. Do you have any other questions
UBC 23/02/07 interview with 2 faculties 30min 1. self-intro 2. Why phd 3. Master Thesis and follow-up questions 4. Why Acct 5. Why UBC 6. Any industry experience? 7. Computational skills 8. Other schools you applied to 9. Do you have any other questions
HKUST 23/02/08 (蛮意外的 他们居然现在还在发面试...) interview with 2 faculties 25min 1. Why your master program 2. RA experiences 3. Master Thesis and follow-up questions 4. Computational skills 5. Other schools you applied to 6. Do you have any other questions
Alberta 23/02/09 interview with 2 faculties 25min
其实前10分钟都是老师在讲,他们说这是一个双向的interview,先给我很详细地介绍了program structure, coursework requirement, mentorship style, stipend等各方面的信息,然后才提问
1. one of your research projects
2. RA experience
3. Tell me more about your master program
4. Why acct
5. Do you have any other questions
IESE 23/02/10
interview with 2 faculties 20min
1. How did you generate RP's idea
2. Follow-up questions on RP
3. What kind of topics you want to work on during phd stage
4. Research experience
5. Why IESE
6. Do you have any other questions
本周一天一个面试真的是我的福报...这么多场面下来的一点经验是:熟悉自己的research experience&motivation是最最最重要的,在此基础上适当了解一下这个系的老师的research,如果真的有感兴趣的一定要在面试的时候提,也很加分。
LingnanU 23/02/13
Interview with 3 faculties 35min
(其实说实话这个面试我本来不想面了,因为知道过了也不会去。但是很早之前就confirm了会参加,所以就怀着mock interview+收集面经的心态去面了。然而这是我所有面试里时间最长的一个?♀️时长几乎是原定的两倍,三位老师对我的RP和master thesis提了很多很有针对性的问题,说实话有的问题没有预料到也回答得不好,感觉自己还是需要修炼sos)
1. Self-intro
2. RP-related questions
3. Master thesis-related questions
4. Questions about my master program
5. Other schools you applied to
6. Do you have any other questions
Temple 23/02/16
1st round interview with coordinator
(这个interview invitation本来一月下旬就发了,但是不知道为什么莫名其妙地发到了我的另一个邮箱,那个邮箱我已经几乎不用了,所以隔了好几周才发现重新约了面试)
1. self-intro
2. Why phd
3. Why US
4. RA-related questions
5. Other schools you applied to
6. Q&A