据小蜜说MSBA这项目是基于MSMIS(UA MIS排名第四)架构下开设,第一届始于Fall 2019 问过MIS Alumni 只书审,楼主可能口语的分数巨差,收到ZoomInterview邀请
查了最近的UA面经就2016/2015两帖(PhD, MBA),其他2010年前(MSA,MSF)的啦 整理以往面经如下: 1. Brief introduction 2. Why Arizona / Why Eller? 3. Why PhD /MBA/ MSA/ MSF? (看你申的什么项目) 4. Do you have other plans in the States except for studying? 5. Do you need financial support to pursue a degree in Arizona? 6. Question for us
PhD 1. RA experience/tasks 2. Research interest 3. Research project experience 4. Which professor would you like to work with?
MBA/MSA 1. How could the MBA at Eller help you 2. Did you complete any relevant courses in MSA? (若undergraduate非本科) 3. Your biggest challenge at work 4. How will you deal with culture shock? 5. What is your target industry after graduation?
感觉申UA的小伙伴太少了,求问有没有近一点的面经啊~ 祝小伙伴们offer 多多