Position: Full-timeResearch Assistant Department: Information System and Management Engineering, Collegeof Business Institution:Southern University of Science andTechnology Shenzhen,Guangdong, China
Job Description: Assist professor inresearch (e.g.., collecting data, analyzing data, finding articles/books,editing references)
Job Requirements: 1. Excellentcommand of Chinese and English. 2. Goodskills in programming. 3. Good skillsin library research and data analysis. 4. Bachelor orMaster Degree in Mathematics, Statistics, Computer, Economics, Physics orrelated fields preferred. 5. Experiencesin doing research project are plus.
Compensation: Compensation package: 6000-8000/month + performance related bonus +social security plan+ subsidized learning materials and online courses.
Applicationmaterials: 1. Resume 2. Personalstatement (e.g., introducing yourself and describing your career goals)
Contact: Professor Leiyang leiy@sustech.edu.cn CC:jingz@sustech.edu.cn