My friend is currently a MBA candidate at Ivey. The one year program is very intense and time really flies by. If your English foundation is not great and need some transition period, Rotman's traditional 2 year program is probably better and more well-know in China than any other Canadian schools which suits your long-term goal of going back to China. We all know how much Chinese people appreciate brand value and ranking lol.
P.S. Ivey has a very close community which resembles US schools and student service is way better than Rotman.
wonjann 发表于 2018-4-16 09:11
My friend is currently a MBA candidate at Ivey. The one year program is very intense and time really ...
Thanks for your information. I talked with Anges Mak yesterday, and she said I should apply for the EMBA program for my work experiences, and it's a waste of my money and time to study the MBA program. But I have no interest in EMBA, considering the focus of EMBA is networking.