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"Knowledge is power". In asociety, teachers are the origin of knowledge for most of the people. However,as the changing of our society, the significance of teachers is changing too.In the past, teachers may be the only origin of knowledge to most of the peopleand teachers may be very honorable and powerful. 1. 第一段还是写明自己的观点吧
2. 红色字体,这句话的表达我觉得可以更好一些,比如: the changes to the society lead to those to significance of teachers.
First and foremost, in modern society, by learning from internet or other resources, individuals can also learn much knowledge. That means teachers are not the only resources that people can rely on, thus teachers would be less valued in nowadays. Since the development of internet, people can find what they want to learn on the internet. If i want to learn Economics, i can find countless e-books, many speeches by famous economists like mankiw, and many methods or recommendations from others. For instance, if i want to learn what “sunk cost” is, i would google it on the internet. Then I would see many pages about sunk cost. Maybe the best answer isfrom Wiki. First i can learn what it is. Second, many case study would show me how can we apply this knowledge into real world. That would be a wonderful journey because teachers have to control the pace of study to guarantee thatall the students in the class can understand. However, when i was learning onthe internet, i can concentrate on what i am confused and skip what i amalready know. 1. argument充足且合理
2. 红色部分,两个前置的状语从句并列写,不是很好的表达,可以改成: in modern society, individuals can also learn much knowledge by learning from internet or other resources.
3. 蓝色部分,for intstance应该写在第一句的前面吧。
Furthermore, in the past, teacher is treated as an honorable profession because teachers have more knowledge thanmost of the individuals and intelligent people are less in the past compared tomodern society. In the past, education is not well-developed as it is now.Ordinary people would not have the chance to invite a teacher to inform theirchildren. Their children would be mason, peasant as their families do. Familieswhich are rich or noble can afford a teacher. The children from these familieswould be powerful and rich some day and they are much influenced by theirteachers and they would value their teachers' advices as gold. Sometimes theadvices from a teacher, especially from the king's teacher, can affect thefunction of society. That means the power of teacher can reached to the worldthrough their powerful or rich students. 1. 红色这句话感觉可以删除
2. 卤煮这段是想表达,过去的老师懂得很多所以受人尊重么? 但是最后king‘s teacher的例子感觉又是因为精英效应.... 个人觉得这段可以写一下跟现在的对比更能阐述观点吧。
Of course, teachers' status in modernsociety is great. Every individual would know that knowledge is power and mental works is far more valued than physical works. The pay of Steven Jobswould be more than the pay of a waiter or waitress since we all know that whichjob is more intricate. Besides, the union labor would protect the interests ofteachers. Once their incomes are not appropriate, they have the right tostrike. 1. great这个词语使用不当,教师的地位是好的?
2. 蓝色部分是不是主谓不一致?
3. 绿色部分的这个例子,我觉得可以再多论述几句为什么这个例子可以证明,老师现在还是受青睐的。感觉这个例子有些模棱两可。
4. 紫色部分关于老师薪水的问题,如果把上面Jobs 的例子讲清楚了就可以不写它,感觉这个薪水的阐释反而让文章这里有点偏题了。
However, these factors cannot make theteachers more precious in modern society than in the past. The unique power andinfluence that teachers have in the past made them valuable and the abundantway to learn in modern society make teachers not necessary. 结尾好!