Ryūnosuke Akutagawa’s knowledge of the literatures ofEurope, China, and that of Japan were instrumental in his developmentas a writer, informing his literary style as much as the content ofhis fiction. (A) that of Japan were instrumentalin his development as a writer, informing his literary style as much as (B) that of Japan was instrumentalin his development as a writer, and it informed both his literary style as wellas (C) Japan was instrumental in hisdevelopment as a writer, informing both his literary style and (D) Japan was instrumental in hisdevelopment as a writer, as it informed his literary style as much as (E) Japan were instrumental in hisdevelopment as a writer, informing both his literary style in addition to
答案是C做对了,语法点的解释也明白了。只是有一个疑问在于关于尊总原句(A选项)的问题。因为确实是通过逻辑应该可以判断出knowledge informs literary style AND the content of his fiction. 表明style和content是并列的关系。但是我在回看CD之前的讨论帖的时候出现了一个疑问,就是因为A选项虽然可能as much as的比较是模糊的,但是我在想作者原意是不是在表达和强调style和content的程度才用了as much as呢?都说要在语法正确的情况下遵从原句意思,但是如果是C的话不就没有强调程度而跟原句意思有出入了呢?有人可能会说:因为别的as much as的选项都有语法的硬伤,只有C喽。但是我在想改变原句的意思或者强调的点是否也是一个硬伤呢?我在之前的帖子里没有找到答案,只有解释语法点的,所以请各位NN解惑啦~谢谢!