曼哈顿网站上有个人和你有 相同 的问题:也是关于这两道区别的 一摸一样 请戳 这里: http://www.manhattangmat.com/forums/gmat-question-a-recent-review-of-pay-scales-indicates-t1889-15.html曼哈顿给的解释是: you can't just write "42 times" by itself. it has to be 42 times something. if it's 42 times something that was mentioned previously, or 42 times something that is in parallel structure to something that was mentioned previously, then you could use a relative pronoun (i.e., something like "42 times that in 1990", etc). but you can't just leave "42 times" hanging out alone. percentages, on the other hand, can be referenced by themselves (as long as context, somewhere else, clearly indicates what the percent is of). for instance, you can say "80% of the X's are male, up from 67% five years ago". here, the second percentage is understood to be also "of the X's". 我觉得他说了跟不说一样, 发个水贴!! 我是这么想的 B 选项 不是比较句 去掉 a ratio 就是 比较句 否则 不是比较句。。!! 个人认为没有突出比较 a ratio 做了 前一句话的同位语 关键是多了这个 a ratio 去掉的话 改为 as compared to 42 times 没有 their pay 我觉得也是对的 好吧 我承认不能回答你的问题。。版主呢 呼叫
-- by 会员 abc88 (2012/5/10 1:59:45)
谢谢你来回答~~~ 我也觉得第一题的B选项去掉a ratio是可以对的,而把这个a ratio 改为the ratio也是可以对的,这里的a ratio 就指代前面那个419times ~~~比较很明确 呀~B选项compares 不对,应该是compared ,它怎么能主动比较呢? 不知道这里的比较这样想对不对呀?~~ 斑斑.......你在哪里???~~~ |