" whatever artistic endeavor the government refuses to support it does not allow,"==>
every artistic endeavor supported by GF is allowed. ===> support is the sufficient condition for allow. if support, then , allow. or if no allow , then no support.
if A, then B, and no B , then no A.
"No one is allowed to create art without a government subsidy".==> support becomes a necessary condition for allow.
no support no allow. no A, then no B.
key D
every scientist who is supported by a government grant will be successful==>support is sufficient condition to success.
if support, then success. if A, then B, and if no B, then no A.
No scientist lacking governmental support will be successful.==>support becomes a neccesary condition for success.
no support no success, no A, then no B.
whether or how the idea is absurd is irrelvent in reasoning the pattern since our concern should focus on the similarity rather than the correctness of reasoning.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-1-14 17:05:53编辑过] |