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发表于 2014-1-9 14:15:47 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
31.Society should make efforts to save endangered species only if the potential extinction of those species is the result of human activities.
    For this policy,my opinion is that society should save all the species which are near extinction,  no matter which caused it .
The ability of human in transforming nature has been developed siginificantly since Industrialization .and now,almost nowhere in the world is not under the influence of human activities .So the potential extinction of every species due more or less to human activities .For instance, a recently survey suggests that some scientists found some dophins lived in near the Arctic Ocean died from starving after eated plastic bags .Many people would not have thought the plastic pollution could reach that far away human habitation through the ocean currrents .But it did happen,and not only kill many dolphins but also kill sea turtles and other kinds of large sea animals .Furthermore, the harmful plastic bags can be passed to large ainimals like Polar bear and killer whales through the food chain. And then cause them into danger. So from this example ,we can know that human activities can have such subtle connections with the species that we can hardly detect .Plastic pollution can have this remarkable influence ,not mention to the air pollution and water pollution .therefore we should take responsibility to protest them for all environmental damage behavior we have done.
On the other hand. Every species is the outstanding product of the nature .In science research ,It is a such valuable asset that every species is like a history books that records every details of this species in evolution and we can infer the long-term varience of environment through comparing it with its earlier ancestors .moreover ,due to most species’s partial similarity in DNA ,every species can be conducive to human in exploring the origin of life.
Considering the environment factor,the more kinds of the species that ususally contain more complex interactions among them the ecosystem possesses ,the more resistant  stability can it own.So saving the endangered contributes to maintain the diversity of species and then preserve the resistance stability of ecosystem.
There is an old saying:With great power ,comes great responsibility .Human might be the most mighty species among the nature and should protect the all endanger species not only for they are priceless ,but also because all species included human are sons of nature.

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