In the past young people are more depended on their parents in making decisions. Today, young people are better able to make decisions in their own live.
The author claims that the young now can rely more on their own determination about their life than the past instead of their parents'. Though our young people now still take the parents''s advice into consideration, we usually have our ideas about what we will do next.(虽然明确的表达了自己的观点,但是不免感觉有点枯燥,可以在开头引入名言之类的或者其他的东西充实一下) Thus, I can't agree more about the opinion of the author(楼主你不是author么?为什么此处来了句这么奇怪的话). And there should be(此处直接用there be就可以了吧?应该有三个原因支持好像不太说得通吧?) three factors that support it, in my observation. Fist(first) of all, now our young people are experiencing a boom of information. Tremendous number of information from newspaper, TV, Internet is accessible to us. In the past, parents might be the efficient way to get information to make a decision. Now Facebook, twitter, forum all can be the way to get useful experience and advice about the decision (此处是不是点一下上面提到的那些信息获取手段会更好,要不然总觉得那句话很脱节对后面没什么论证作用). For example, in the past, when my older brother(外国人的brother应该是自己亲生的哥哥) had to determine the university he would apply, his parent always made the decision as they can inquire about the major the employment rate and something else about the university from some kind of acquaintance(单复数). However, when I have to decide which university I will apply, lots of forum are available for me. And we can just lie on the bed, chewing bubble gum and searching the Internet. So, I don't need my parents to make such a decision for me. I can do it myself.
Second, to have our own style of life is so fascinating to us that we tend to make our own decision other than ask our parents for help. The culture, I can call it(这是什么用法?中文直译么?). In our generation, is having our way of life. (这两句表达出来的意思应该不是楼主想的吧?感觉表达的不地道而且没把话说清楚)Everyone has unique personality, hobbies and character. The way to have a life to express who we are and what we really want is to make our own decision(这句表达起来也不是很地道). Furthermore, parents now are often open-minded. They do not force their children to obey their ideas. Therefore, we now are able to and dare to make our own decision. In the fictional world of some movies, young people take into power of the world and the parents are all arrested(没读懂这句话是什么意思). They rule the world following their own disciplines they make their own decisions. Indeed, those movies exaggerate the fact that the young are more reliable on their own. The truth that the young now are better makes their own decision is well exposed.
In addition, peer pressure also counts. If friend around me all determines things by their own, all I want to do is, just like them, making my own decision. Peer pressure is always existing in every generation and it influences our everyday life a lot. Even though some of us are unwilling to make some kind of decision, they(不太清楚此处的代词是该用we还是they?) just want to rely on their parents. When their friends know that, mock may happen and fewer friends would like to be with them. We just don't want to do as a loser. Consequently, we have to act as we make our own decision. In fact, we do.
In conclusion, nowadays the young have different ways to be accessible to lots of useful information and they are also seeking their own lifestyle. They can be more easily and better to make their decision on their own life. Advice from the parents are still taken into account. Meanwhile, it won't always be the key factor any more.
-至于例子上来说,我不太确定fictional movie中的情境可不可以,但是我觉得说服力会欠缺,楼主可以考虑一下