According to public health officials, in 1998 Massachusetts became the first state in which more babies were born to women over the age of thirty than under it.
Only seven people this century have been killed by the great white shark, the man-eater of the movies—less than those killed by bee stings. A. movies—less than those B. movies—fewer than have been C. movies, which is less than those D. movies, a number lower than the people E. movies, fewer than the ones
答案B 我想问的是,prep说A选项即使把那个less改成fewer也不对,因为主谓宾全的句型主语比较要补出助动词~~ 但我觉得不补出也没有歧义啊!!!如果用fewer than those killed by bee stings~~句意也很清晰啊~~求NN们解释~
还有这个:According to public health officials, in 1998 Massachusetts became the first state in which more babies were born to women over the age of thirty than under it.
B.than born
C.than they were
D.than there had been(A)
E.than had been born
这个的比较部分应该是说:more babies were born to women over the age of thirty than (babies were born to women)under it. 这里为啥能省略呢?这里over the age of thirty不应该是women的修饰语么?总觉得这么省有点奇怪。。。。
more babies were born to women over the age of thirty than (babies were born to women)under it. 这里为啥能省略呢?这里over the age of thirty不应该是women的修饰语么?总觉得这么省有点奇怪。。。。
Only seven people this century have been killed by the great white shark, the man-eater of the movies—less than those killed by bee stings. A. movies—less than those B. movies—fewer than have been C. movies, which is less than those D. movies, a number lower than the people E. movies, fewer than the ones
答案B 我想问的是,prep说A选项即使把那个less改成fewer也不对,因为主谓宾全的句型主语比较要补出助动词~~ 但我觉得不补出也没有歧义啊!!!如果用fewer than those killed by bee stings~~句意也很清晰啊~~求NN们解释~
你注意原句,have been killed by X 时态啊时态 所以后面也应该是fewer than those have been killed by Y,而不能去掉"have been".
下面这句话,你把后面in which部分提炼主干: More babies were born than ____. 自己造句补全: More babies were born than (babies). 对不对? 必须babies和babies比较。 总之,后面空格部分,中心词——如果有的话——必须是名词babies,比如说 babies (that were born by ...) 或者 babies born by 然后你就可以排除B,C,D,E了,因为你看出现了动词born, were, had been,还没有that(你注意,我上面的句子babies后面有个that,引导的从句里面才有动词were,或者我用的past participle 相当于形容词的"born"。总之,核心词仍然必须是名词babies,而不是名词+动词) 所以这样就直接选定了A. 你要是不放心,检查比较双方: A=babies born (to women over the age of thirty) B=babies born (to women under the age of thirty). 相同部分省略,变成than under it,没问题
还有这个:According to public health officials, in 1998 Massachusetts became the first state in which more babies were born to women over the age of thirty than under it.
B.than born
C.than they were
D.than there had been(A)
E.than had been born
这个的比较部分应该是说:more babies were born to women over the age of thirty than (babies were born to women)under it. 这里为啥能省略呢?这里over the age of thirty不应该是women的修饰语么?总觉得这么省有点奇怪。。。。
more babies were born to women over the age of thirty than (babies were born to women)under it. 这里为啥能省略呢?这里over the age of thirty不应该是women的修饰语么?总觉得这么省有点奇怪。。。。
第一个句子是因为时态不同不能省略对吧~要是改成“Only seven people this century were killed by the great white shark, the man-eater of the movies—less than those killed by bee stings”可以对不?
我看prep上面是说因为不仅仅Only seven people,后面的 this century have been killed by the ...也都在比较对象里,所以后文不能用those killed by bee stings,而应该用平行结构than have been killed~~~
“A=babies born (to women over the age of thirty) B=babies born (to women under the age of thirty). 相同部分省略,变成than under it,没问题”
你的意思是,前后比较结构相同的部分只要不引起歧义就可以省略对么? B:“more babies were born to women over the age of thirty than born under it”还原就是“more babies were born to women over the age of thirty than babies born under it” 就变成了孩子主动去生,不合理~~但如果改成“than were born under it”也是可以对的吧?~
prep的意思是 Only seven people this century were killed by the great white shark中, were killed by the great white shark是谓语;而those killed by bee stings中 killed by...是定语,尽管这句话比较其实是主语,但重复出现的内容在最好也保持相同的结构,所以改写成比较两个句子。
[quote] prep的意思是 Only seven people this century were killed by the great white shark中, were killed by the great white shark是谓语;而those killed by bee stings中 killed by...是定语,尽管这句话比较其实是主语,但重复出现的内容在最好也保持相同的结构,所以改写成比较两个句子。
-- by 会员 yiayia (2012/2/12 11:13:18)
这里把整个句子补出然后把相同部分省略很好~~但不是所有的比较都是哈~我觉得比较还是得看比较对象是不是清晰对等,没有歧义就好啦~ 比如: Rice has protein of higher quality than that in wheat.
比较宾语一般直接写出比较的名词,如这道题目:protein of higher quality than that in wheat. 但注意这里也保持了平行结构, protein +介宾 than that+介宾。而且这里很奇怪higher是修饰quality的,比较的却是protein。虽然读起来不存在问题,但这类题还是值得归纳。
比较宾语一般直接写出比较的名词,如这道题目:protein of higher quality than that in wheat. 但注意这里也保持了平行结构, protein +介宾 than that+介宾。而且这里很奇怪higher是修饰quality的,比较的却是protein。虽然读起来不存在问题,但这类题还是值得归纳。
姐姐,我说的相同部分省略,所谓“部分”,是说make sense的部分 than under it 没问题 than born under it 有问题!不可以这么说
比如我说一句话 I am a college student major in finance with a 3.5 GPA. 说话总得有抑扬顿挫吧,就是按意群来说: I am a college student major in finance with a 3.5 GPA. 这没问题,这个断句符合意群。 可假如你断句成这样: I am a college student major in finance with a 3.5 GPA. 这就叫做non-sense!
A= babies born to women over the age of thirty 这样断句没问题,你也可以这么断句(如果你认为那7个单词你可以作为一个整体去理解的话,完全可以) A= babies born to women over the age of thirty 反正不管你怎么断,每个意群必须make sense
如果咱按照第一种断句法: A= babies born to women over the age of thirty B= babies born to women under it 把相同成分省略,必须要把意群作为整体省略,于是B就省略成under it,这就成了我们的正确答案"than under it"
你把B省略成"born under it",这就不对了,因为born来自上面第二部分,"under it"来自第3部分,而第二部分是"born to women"后面还有一个women,你省了。所以这就是为什么"born under it"不make sense. 你后面说得"that were born under it"也不make sense,同理。
你如果既想保留"born"这层意思,又必须点明"under it"这层意思,那你就必须保留上面的两个意群: born to women under it
或者这么说 "born to women" make sense "women under the age of 30" make sense 咱有3个元素 1. born 2. women 3. under the age of 30 第1和第2个元素可以关联,第2和第3个元素可以关联 但你跳过第2个元素,直接关联第一个和第三个,就不make sense。 所以你不能说"born under it"
“A=babies born (to women over the age of thirty) B=babies born (to women under the age of thirty). 相同部分省略,变成than under it,没问题”
你的意思是,前后比较结构相同的部分只要不引起歧义就可以省略对么? B:“more babies were born to women over the age of thirty than born under it”还原就是“more babies were born to women over the age of thirty than babies born under it” 就变成了孩子主动去生,不合理~~但如果改成“than were born under it”也是可以对的吧?~