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會選在江西財大考試是很奇怪的情況.一路顛簸,到了,提前去看考場什麽的,都是一場磨難.. 住宿是在蛟橋校區附近的非常客棧,性價比很高,訂了電腦房,考前晚上還可以找找狀態.
Issue 11: People's behavior is largely determined by forces not of their own making. Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the statement and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.
Argument: The following appeared as part of an article in a business magazine. "A recent study rating 300 male and female Mentian advertising executives according to the average number of hours they sleep per night showed an association between the amount of sleep the executives need and the success of their firms. Of the advertising firms studied, those whose executives reported needing no more than 6 hours of sleep per night had higher profit margins and faster growth. These results suggest that if a business wants to prosper, it should hire only people who need less than 6 hours of sleep per night." Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions and what the implications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted.
記得有有碰到講earthquake,fault相關的,主要意思就是,應該算新舊觀點題,新觀點even minor stress near the fault will cause earthquake跟老觀點need time to build up energy引起earthquake
還有一題是講,澳大利亞的A類人,用火促進了evolution of ecology,但是他們用火到底是爲了防禦還是爲了clear and manage the land
花費時間最久的是一個圖表題 講的是兩黨分別投票選擇領導人,主要考的是Democracy的表格,Republican的表格與之差不多,就是把Democrats換成了Republican了 Democracy Leader的投票(百分比是根據大概記憶)
| T
| W | Men | 48% | 45% | Women | 45% | 50 % | Democrats | 50% | 48% | Independents | 55% | 40%
| 第一個選擇題,題目居然用了雙重否定.這是數學啊,是數學啊..among all these groups, which group has the least voter for who did not vot for either one of leader,轉換了一下,應該就是問哪個group的投票率最高.所以把每個group的百分比加和比一下就可以了,不過記得每個黨的投票是分開各自算的. 像group就有Men in Democract primary(初選)跟Men in Republican primary之分. 第二題說的是,among the Democratic primary, the ratio of number of Democrats to that of Independent is 5 to1, what percent of total vote of Democrats and Independent for Leader W is?意思就是在民主黨初選,民主黨和獨立投票人的人數比為5比1,問有多少百分比的人(在所有投票的民主黨和獨立人裏面)投給了W.設獨立人有a人,民主黨有5a人,然後,(48%/(50%+48%)*5a+40%/(40%+50%)*a)/(5a+a)
這題是陰影面積為A,pi-2為B,正方形,邊長為2,對角線相交,兩個圓都經過對角線定點,正方形邊長即為其圓形直徑.答案應該是相等吧. [attachimg]103023[/attachimg]
這題應該高中的時候經常做的,求陰影面積的表達式,應該先求出兩條線的函數形式, [attachimg]103024[/attachimg]
一戰的時候,近乎裸考,VERBAL的分數慘不忍睹, 雖然二戰了,但是背單詞的熱情實在很低,最後連三千都沒背完...後來者,千萬不要學俺. Verbal部份,估計都是閱讀拉得分,考前看的楊鵬難句,和楊繼的老G解說幫助很大.GRE畢竟考的是邏輯,從本質入手未嘗不是一種辦法. 感覺上,從134到156基本都是靠楊鵬跟楊繼這兩本書.所以大力推薦. 利用閱讀36套控制了下自己的速度,還有邏輯三套,大致摸了下邏輯題的感覺 考前也稍微過了一些填空題,主要突擊記一下高頻詞彙. 數學的話,基本靠的是高中的知識.就過了下OG和猴哥難題.然後再過一些生詞. 做題的時候細緻一點,基本上問題不大.
最後求問一下,V156Q170的話,University of Texas Austin和Texas A&M的工科申請問題大么? |
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