你好!我有三个问题,恳请解答: 1。Essay A: Given your chosen primary area of concentration, please describe in detail 2 to 3 careers (or jobs) you may explore and/or pursue upon completion of your graduate management education at the Broad School. Please include how your past experiences and your Broad MBA concentration fits into this plan. 我想选supply chain management,想了解MSU的supply chain management课程有何特色,具体内容,就业方向,主要雇主 2。 Essay B: A central them of the MBA program at the Eli Broad Graduate School of Management is "hands-on leadership. We expect our students to be future leaders and to begin using their leadership skills while in the program. Please describe what this means to you as a potential student at the Broad School. 请问课程设计中提供了哪些hands-on leardership 的锻炼的机会,如何与课堂教学结合的?具体体现在什么课程,哪些活动,哪些方面?为什么说是program的central theme? 3。关于prerequisites: Each entering student is required to have background knowledge in accounting, mathematics and statistics before beginning the first semester of the program. College transcripts and quantitative GMAT scores (for math background only) submitted as part of the application process will be used to determine if a student has satisfied these requirements. If an entering student is deficient in one or more of these areas, he or she will be admitted provisionally on the condition that these courses be taken prior to the start of the MBA Orientation program. We suggest the following ways to satisfy the pre-enrollment requirements:Preferred method: Completion of the deficient course with a grade of C or better (equivalent of a 2.0 on a 4.0 grade scale) from an accredited university or community college. (First year Broad MBAs recommend, whenever possible, to fulfill pre-enrollment requirements by registering for an actual class at a college or university.) 申请时被要求出示a college level accounting course, mathematics and statistics 的成绩。(The following course prerequistites must be completed prior to enrollment in the Full Time MBA program. Please indicate how you have or will satisfy these requirements. The Full-Time MBA requires that all students have fulfilled these prerequisites with a grade of a C or better. See the Broad MBA Program website: http://mba.msu.edu/infoadmissions/requirements.cfm or contact the MBA program officials.) 我在大学时这三门都没学过,学校是要求在入学前要修完大学水平的这三门课吗?这恐怕短短几个月难以做到,不知道有别的解决方法吗?还是学校在委婉拒绝非商科背景的申请人。 谢谢。
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-11-11 7:35:46编辑过] |