我认为是要加的,但其它选项的错误实在是太明显了。对于加不加谓语动词,我的判断是会不会产生歧义,这道题加are就表明是主语之间的比较,但实际上supplemental hormone也是名词,完全可以理解为用more likely to use supplemental hormone than use women....尽管很arkward,语法上是行得通的。anyway,没人说gmat的语法是完美的 -- by 会员 yexuu (2010/10/27 19:35:57)
又找到了一个没有加are的例题 PREP1-114
A study on couples' retirement transitions found that women who took new jobs after retiring from their primary careers reported high marital satisfaction, more than when retiring completely.
(A) more than when retiring
(B) more than if they were to retire
(C) more so than those who retired
(D) which was more so than those retiring
(E) which was more than if they had retired C选项补全:women more reported high marital satisfaction (so) than those retiring completely. 此处those 前后也没有do来避免歧义 难道真的比较就没有歧义吗?