OG 11TH-83 Most state constitutions now mandate that the state budget be balanced each year. (A) mandate that the state budget be balanced (B) mandate the state budget to be balanced (C) mandate that the state budget will be balanced (D) have a mandate for a balanced state budget(A) (E) have a mandate to balance the state budget 这题选A。我没有问题,我的问题是OG关于B的解释 to be balanced is an infinitive, not a subjunctive. The subjunctive mood is required when a subordinate clause beginning with that follows a verb such as requet, require, ask ,or mandated. 意思是说象requet, require, ask ,or mandated这类词语就是要用虚拟语气.B之所以错了是因为用了不定式.我这样理解对吧.那好,我们看OG另一题 OG11TH 82 138. Senator Lasker has proposed legislation requiring that employers should retain all older workers indefinitely or show just cause for dismissal. (A) that employers should retain all older workers (B) that all older workers be retained by employers (C) the retaining by employers of all older workers (D) employers’ retention of all older workers (E) employers to retain all older workers 这题目的解释in this sentence requireing could be used in two possible constructions, the first a clause and the second a phrase: requiring that.....or requiring employers to retain. Bothe these alternatives are correct. 我的问题是,为什么这题目说REQUIRE THAT 和REQIURE TO DO 都是对的呢? 那象requet, require, ask ,or mandated这类词语到底是不是只能用虚拟语气?还是不定式也对呢?困惑. NN来帮忙哦。