昨天发帖子 请教以下几个几个XDF教的绝对错误(困扰我很久!不知道这些“绝对错误”该怎么用 有时对有时错)不知为什么没人回复~~~ 各位大NN帮忙回答这几个很弱弱的问题 非常非常感谢!!! 几个XDF教的绝对错误 但发现和prep 里有些题不符 请NN帮忙解疑~~ 非常感谢!!! 1.there be 啰嗦结构错(好几道题 正确答案都有there be),下面给了道prep里的题请NN帮忙解疑 2.having done, having been done必错,下面给了道prep里的题请NN帮忙解疑 3.being必错 4.prep语法笔记里说while后可接介词短语,但白勇语法里说“状语从句的省略形式:错误表达:表示转折,时间,条件的连词+介词短语/名词短语”到底哪种情况对呢?下面给了道prep里的题请NN帮忙解疑 相应prep的题 对应第一点(B) 153. (33147-!-item-!-188;#058&006555)
A recent United States Census Bureau report shows that there are more than three times as many households where the children and grandchildren are living in their grandparents' home as compared to households where the grandparents are living in their children's or grandchildren's home.
(A) as compared to households where the (B) as there are households where the (C) as those whose (D) than compared to those where the (E) than there are whose 对应第二点(A) 154. (33193-!-item-!-188;#058&006626)
Some patients who do not respond to therapies for depression may simply have received inadequate treatment, having, for example, been prescribed a drug at a dosage too low to be effective or having been taken off a drug too soon.
(A) having, for example, been prescribed a drug at a dosage too low to be effective or having been (B) having, for example, a drug prescription that was ineffective because the dosage was too low, or being (C) as, for example, having too low of a dosage of a prescribed drug for it to be effective, or being (D) when they have, for example, been prescribed too low a drug dosage to be effective, or were (E) for example, when they have a drug prescription with a dosage too low to be effective, or been 对应第四点(B) 130. (31416-!-item-!-188;#058&004490)
Industrialization and modern methods of insect control have improved the standard of living around the globe while at the same time they have introduced some 100,000 dangerous chemical pollutants, having gone virtually unregulated since they were developed more than 50 years ago.
(A) while at the same time they have introduced some 100,000 dangerous chemical pollutants, having (B) while at the same time introducing some 100,000 dangerous chemical pollutants that have (C) while they have introduced some 100,000 dangerous chemical pollutants at the same time, and have (D) but introducing some 100,000 dangerous chemical pollutants at the same time that have (E) but at the same time introduce some 100,000 dangerous chemical pollutants, having |