Once the economic and social usefulness of the motor car was demonstrated and with its superiority to the horse being proved, much of the early hostility to it in rural regions disappeared.
但是Longman对superiority的用法: the quality of being better, more skilful, more powerful etc than other people or things ᅳopposite inferiority superiority of the supposed superiority of the male sex superiority over the intellectual superiority of humans over other animals superiority in US superiority in air power
LSAT: Top college graduates are having more difficulty demonstrating their superiority to prospective employers than did the top students of twenty years ago when an honors degree was distinction enough.
GRE: demonstrate the superiority of using an economic approach to historical analysis
GRE: demonstrate the superiority of laboratory studies of zooplankton feeding rates to other kinds of studies of such rates
以下是引用马尔代夫在2006-5-6 0:21:00的发言: Once the economic and social usefulness of the motor car was demonstrated and with its superiority to the horse being proved, much of the early hostility to it in rural regions disappeared.