以下是引用lecherous在2008-4-7 21:33:00的发言:估计很多CDer都有这样的疑问,不好意思又挑起了一下。说实话,出国读个MBA,其实跟博士完全是两码事,前者是去花钱,一百多万;后者是去赚钱,一百多万。不得不慎重。 假定一个没有金融背景的人,只在比较有名的500强外企做过几年工程师,在美国读了个top30MBA,今后从事金融业的机会大么? 进IB如何?不是说什么GS,MS,ML等超级大牛,而是二三流的银行/证券公司的IB部门。 那么如果又换一下,如果是top10呢?二三流的IB还是很难进吗? need to find out why an engineer wants to do finance these are 2 different planets you must find out the passion deep in your blood or you'll lose both of them it needs to be something in your personality, characteristics, and your professional background find out your irreplaceables do you keep your account everyday? do you invest by yourself and make money? how do you manage your portfolio? can you excel at numbers? can you speak to those numbers and listen to them? do you know the specific trends in the industries? how do you know and why? which stocks will surge in next 3 months? which ones will free fall? how do you crunch those surging ones to balance the free fall ones? what will you do if your finance door is close? and the last thing why and how can you get in top 30 or even top 10 if you don't know yourself well enough? need to find out all these answers MBA is terminal degree it's the end when you finish it Ph.D serves for totally different purposes but there's 99% no overlap |