In times of economic crisis, in which field do you think the government can cut financial support? Education 2. Healthcare 3. Unemployment.
第一次改尽力了,努力希望能互帮互助哈,比较喜欢哔哔,不当的地方多多包含指教哈。 蓝色是问题哈,红色是我自己觉得更好的句式你可以参考哈,粉红色的是用法我自己不是特别确定的。 文章我觉得内容上主要问题是,整个的主线是说事业要投资,教育要投资,健康不怎么要投资。但是缺乏三者缺乏在一个平台上的比较,就是能更直观的反映给读者三者里面为什么选Healthcare不是单分别举例子,因为这样相对较弱。 核心论点哪个section可以cut,全文比较侧重于为什么另外两个section不能cut,所以论点会有些弱哈~~
(建议开头可以介绍一个Background information比方题干里经济危机和政府财政紧张的现状~)In general, people will think the(人们普遍认为所以我觉得不用will将来时,the可以去掉) health is so important(改In today people’s view, of paramount importance is health.). Once we have the good health condition, we can do other things(不确定哈,百度的once用法后面一般是will改 Health is the prerequisite of people’s routine activity.) However, in the time of economic crisis, I think the government should cut financial support of (in) health care rather than education or unemployment in order to get through the economic crisis for following reasons: (语序上可以调整一下,把时间背景跟着政府 However, from my point of view, facing the economic crisis, the government should cut financial support in health care section rather than education or unemployment. My reasons are given below.)
First, in economic crisis with high unemployment rate( High unemployment rate is the most distinguished issue in this economic crisis), so government need to(should) control the unemployment rate and help (assist in) unemployed people. (加个衔接词感觉更好) In other words In this period, unemployed people lose their jobs,(失业的人丢了工作感觉怪怪的) which means they lose their income. Therefore, this kind of people will have the strong burden to make a living even support the whole family.(Under rigorous stress, these unemployed people have no guarantee about their incomes, meaning that they may endure a bumpy road to support his family) For example, John is an officer and his wife is house wife without any income. And they have two children. Once the John lose his job, they have no income. But they need to use money everywhere, like buying necessities, paying the education tuition and so on.(问题没有但是觉得简单句太多可以简化成John is an officer who is the only source of his family financial income, which means that his whole family is counting on his job.) In order to cost less, they need to buy the cheapest thing because they don’t know when John can find a job again. (这里的问题是前文是说如果John丢了他的工作那么它们没有收入就结束了,So~这句话也需要John丢了工作这个前提) From this example, it’s easy to know that after losing a job, the unemployed people will live in a hard life.(条件句更好哈) So it’s necessary for the government to support these people.(these people 其实有些指代不清,扯unemployment更好哈)
Second, education is important( also plays a pushing role ) in the economic crisis. Education (The range of education) not only includes the education in schools, colleges and universities, but also contains trainings in the communities, industries or other institutions. During the period of (Positioned in) economic crisis, a lots of people will lose (have lost) their job. However , it’s (This offers) a good chance for them (these unemployed people) to charge(change) themselves (by gain some useful knowledge through the education system of our country. 阐明论点很重要) For example, I was a financial analyst. Unfortunately, I lost my job. During the time I have no job, I can learn more things about finance, such as going to university to learn further. So when the economic recovers, I have more opportunity to get a job because I am more competitive than before.(句式有些单一哈)
Third, the healthcare level won’t decrease drastically when (even if) the government cut the financial support during the economic crisis. 【The hospitals have (been) built. And we still have so many professional doctors and expertise. Cutting the financial support in healthcare means there are less compensation of healthcare.(最后这个less compensation 感觉有点倒戈,整个论述可以改 The apparatuses in hospitals are enough for the current demand of people. ) 】However, in the time of (我已经见这位兄弟好多次了……)financial crisis, people care more about whether they can find a job or not. The health care is not the things they focus on. (这两句话没有实质性观点好像在说观点一)And there’s no evidence showing that in the financial crisis, the people’s health condition will decrease a lot compared to the normal time. (论点我觉得很奇怪,不能说因为health condition不会decrease就可以cut healthcare). So the government should better put the money into other important parts.
According to the reasons above, the health care is not as important as education and unemployment in the economic crisis. Therefore I strongly hold the opinion that the government can cut the financial support of healthcare in the times of economic crisis.