8. parallel structure, logic noun, ... no new things but more difficult than in the exercise. The following ones I have confused in the exams. For your attention. A: The law required...., mandated...., allowed, and it granted....(my choice) B: The law required...., mandated...., allowed, granting.... The other choices are not correct.
从结构上看: A: The law required...., mandated...., allowed, and it granted....违背平行原则; 但是B: The law required...., mandated...., allowed, granting.... 避免了这个问题。 评价:不确定中,因为从应该和原文的意思来看。而且前人选择了 A.
以下是引用colorsofthewind在2003-10-18 22:09:00的发言: dupe vt. so I chose "duped by..."
从结构上看: A: The law required...., mandated...., allowed, and it granted....违背平行原则; 但是B: The law required...., mandated...., allowed, granting.... 避免了这个问题。 评价:不确定中,因为从应该和原文的意思来看。而且前人选择了 A.
我贊成... 一般英文都是 The law required...., mandated...., allowed, and granted.... 把最後一個 , and granted (連接詞)改為 , granting (分詞結構) 最後就沒有 and 了