以下是引用philikittist在2004-7-18 14:27:00的发言:183. Archaeologists in Ireland believe that a recently discovered chalice, which dates from the eighth century, was probably buried to keep from being stolen by invaders.
(A) to keep from
(B) to keep it from
(C) to avoid
(D) in order that it would avoid(B)
(E) in order to keep from
In choice A, the phrase from being stolen lacks the necessary noun or pronoun that specifies what it is that might be stolen. Choice B is best because it provides the pronoun it, which refers to chalice. Like choice A, choices C and E lack the pronoun. D is wordy and awkward in its use of the passive voice(D哪里有passive voice) . Moreover, avoid is used imprecisely in C and D because it illogically suggests that the chalice is acting to prevent its own theft.如果C有这个问题,那AE也有,为什么不讲AE?(这个问题前面没有得到解释)
D is wordy and awkward in its use of the passive voice(D哪里有passive voice) .
答 D) in order that it would avoid being stolen by invaders我认为 D is wordy and awkward in its use of the passive voice指的是avoid being done不符合习惯用法.avoid既然又强烈主观意味,自然很少用avoid being done
C and D because it illogically suggests that the chalice is acting to prevent its own theft.如果C有这个问题,那AE也有,为什么不讲AE?(这个问题前面没有得到解释)
答:主要是因为avoid造成c这么用不合适,而keep是可以表被动意味的,keep being done是符合美国英语习惯的